Whenever I lament about my penniless state, I find more excuses to spend mindlessly and REALLY leave myself with nothing. I swear, once I get started, I find it hard to stop.
...I bought CDs.
...I shouldn't have.
Three are
Joey Ayala albums. Not a secret that I'm a HUGE FAN of the man and his music. And look, I found a
Vienna Teng! Those two party albums are old-time favorites because 80's new wave and pop hits are love.
Chocolate buffet <3 The chocolates weren't very sweet, which made gorging a lot easier. Moar pics under the cut. (We took a lot, but all of them are of my mom's, lol.)
Cold coffee and delish chocolate mousse.
Willy Wonka. Not his best pose, but this is the clearest shot I got. Totally wrong direction, too.
My mom. XD
I'm stressing over enrollment. The office card swiper broke down, so they extended enrollment for a week. Boo. Full load this semester, and all my courses have ridiculously expensive instructional materials (I shudder to think about just how thick the books for Bio and Psych are). Thank you, dad. I'll pay you back, I promise.
Since we don't really celebrate this thing called Halloween here in the Philippines by dressing up (...except maybe the elite or feeling elite, lol), we're spending it the "right" way by visiting our loved ones' graves. All Souls' Day and all that shiznit. One day I'd like to try costumes though. ;)
Time to backread all those entries I missed.
...Tomorrow. ^^;