When pirates break into Fox River....

Dec 19, 2005 01:40

Mildly disturbing? Maybe.

Pop culture abounds.

Normally I'm considerate, but tonight I will be hated by Friends lists everywhere.

Me: so you didn't actually go to bed either?
Chuck: last night i did, but more often than not i sit online for like another hour before i get to sleep
Me: hehehe
Me: we are so much alike
Chuck: yarr matey
Me: OMG OTP!!!!!11!!one
Chuck: wtf???
Chuck: OTP?
Me: hahahahaha
Me: it's a term started in the land of fan fiction
Chuck: ah
Me: OTP = one true pair (or maybe 'pairing,' not sure)
Chuck: riiight
Me: but basically, if you think two people are meant to be, then it's OTP
Chuck: i see
Me: hehe, yeah, even I think that one's retarded
Me: but I"m used to it now
Me: it gets used a lot
Me: mostly jokingly
Chuck: evil fanfiction corrupting your mind
Me: hahaha
Me: I finished one and had someone beta read for me, and she likes it
Me: so there, I'm good!
Chuck: but i think by definition all fanfiction is teh suck
Me: hahaha
Me: because you don't have an open mind
Chuck: ARRRR!
Me: or you don't care enough about any particular show to even want to explore the what if's
Me: some people write REALLY GOOD stories
Me: even if they are fake
Me: but hey, shows are fake anyway, so who cares?
Chuck: but getting that into a TV show is umm....yeah, a little not right
Me: nothin' wrong with that
Me: if a show's good, what's wrong with liking it that much?
Chuck: I like 24 a lot....but i dont read teh fancrap about it
Me: same deal with liking a song so much that you want to remix it or put it into a mix and mess with it
Chuck: ummmm
Me: it's basically playing around with something you enjoy
Me: you do that with little chuck
Me: hahahaha
Chuck: hahahaha
Chuck: freak
Me: so there, writing and reading fanfiction is my masturbation
Me: it gives me pleasure
Chuck: thats a little disturbing to think of it that way eh
Me: hahaha
Me: I just had to see what you'd say
Chuck: now i'm getting scary mental pictures
Me: wtf?
Me: hehe
Me: do share!
Me: :P
Chuck: just sitting reading something and getting off....yeah, i dunno
Me: hahahaha
Me: yeah, it's not like that
Chuck: haha
Me: it's just combining three passions of mine
Me: reading
Me: writing
Me: and at the moment, prison break
Chuck: silly devil
Me: hehe
Me: yar
Me: if someone were to throw some pirates into their PB fanfiction, even better!
Chuck: why dont you write one with pirates in it?
Me: hehe
Me: because I can't write pirates
Me: we all have our strengths
Chuck: ooh, i just came up wth one.....One day at the prison when all the inmates were out in the prison yard a bunch of pirates came through and killed everyone. The end.
Me: hahahahaha
Me: except t-bag
Me: he raped them all
Me: the end
Chuck: nope, he was the first to go
Me: ARR!!\
Chuck: hahah
Me: hell no!
Me: t-bag's always got a shank hidden somewhere
Me: and he's good in fights
Chuck: but pirates have swords and cannons!
Me: yeah right, like they brought the canons
Me: er, cannons
Me: er
Me: is it one 'n' or two?
Chuck: they outfitted their ship with wheels
Chuck: so they brought that too!
Me: wtf is this? james bond too?
Chuck: maybe it is
Chuck: but Bond is a british spy, not a vicious rum drinking pirate
Me: so bond meets some pirates and Q sets them up with a ship that turns into a land vehicle
Chuck: YES!
Me: and they plow into the prison and kill all the inmates
Me: ?
Chuck: something like that yeah
Me: wow
Me: that sounds like a terrible show
Chuck: and then Jack Bauer comes in and kills all of the pirates and restores order to the world
Me: hahaha
Me: until spike comes along and turns him into a vampire
Me: and then Jack is evil
Chuck: But Jack is alrady a vampire, haven't you ever seen The Lost Boys?
Me: hahaha
Me: no, but I know aobut it
Me: and that's not jack, you nitwit!
Chuck: ARRRR!
Chuck: are you sure?
Me: it just happens to look like him
Me: his twin or something
Chuck: Nope, it's jack bauer, his earlier days were filled with blood sucking and stuff like that
Me: haha
Me: no way
Me: Jack just happens to also suspiciously resemble the weird little scientist dude from Dark City
Chuck: thats his clone
Me: AND the creepy killer guy from Highway
Me: see, Jack's got one of those faces, you see it everywhere, but it's not really him
Chuck: Jack Bauer is omnipresent....and he can walk on water
Me: hahahaha
Me: can she shoot lightning bolts with his mind?
Me: er, he
Me: not she
Chuck: arrr!
Chuck: he once killed 300 evil henchmen with his bare hands
Me: whoa, I'll bet he wins the war against the terminators too!
Chuck: I think that might just be the case eh
Me: does he also exterminate the aliens?
Me: and predator!
Chuck: Jack is immune to the Aliens acid blood
Me: haha
Me: damn, he's smooth
Chuck: and is a friend of the Predators, the only human that is an equal to them
Me: haha
Me: you forgot about van damme
Chuck: van damme is a hack
Me: but I'm pretty sure steven segal isn't human
Chuck: He's not quite right
Me: aye
Me: I think Spike and Beetlejuice should join forces
Chuck: freak
Me: what? that's good storyline right there!
Chuck: sorry nope
Me: aw come on, a bloodsucker with a chip in his head and a perverted dead guy? can't get much better than that!
Chuck: dead guy eats blood sucker for dinner!
Me: but really, bloodsucker is dead too ya know
Chuck: yeah yeah
Me: so your headline is a lie!
Me: lies! all lies!
Chuck: ARRRRRR!!!
Me: I hope Jack Bauer terminates you
Me: with his robo arm
Chuck: never gonna happen
Me: why?
Chuck: because Jack Bauer is my number 1 nigga
Me: hahahahaha
Me: you're terrible
Me: damn crackah!
Chuck: ARRR!
Me: that's it?
Me: arrr?
Chuck: i'm not white, i'm half korean, half mexican, and half canadian
Me: riiiight
Me: and I'm half freddy kruger
Chuck: whoa
Chuck: thats creepy
Me: yeah, especially considering I'm half man
Me: actually, do you think freddy has genetalia?
Chuck: ummmm
Chuck: i have no idea
Me: I can't see him really needing any
Chuck: ya
Me: he's just some dream monster
Me: who happens to look human-like
Chuck: aye matey
Me: but he does had a pretty normal name
Me: er, have
Chuck: ya
Me: do you think he'd be any scarier if he had your name?
Me: no, your name is already used in horror movies
Me: you're a murderous doll
Chuck: aye
Chuck: that is teh crazy
Me: who, for some reason, is anatomically correct
Chuck: eek
Me: the children must have been creeped out
Chuck: yar matey

But it's so much fun!


prison break, pirates, beetlejuice, chat logs, fan fiction, james bond, t-bag, jack bauer, otp, freddy kruger, spike, chuck

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