Dec 25, 2006 21:54
Ah, Christmas. I love it so. Sam came over so we could all exchange presents. I got a big stuffed Patrick Star (from SpongeBob SquarePants)! He's so cute! I was holding him and hugging him all day. I think I'm in love. :) I just call him my Big Patrick. He's the size of a pillow. He could probably even be used as a pillow, but I wouldn't do that. Wouldn't want to flatten the guy.
Sam got me some felt tip pens and season two of House! Sweetness! OMG, and he got Mom a paper shredder! I'm so jealous. I've wanted a paper shredder for a while now. I guess I keep forgetting to let it slip that I'm in love with them, much in the way I'm in love with staplers and tape. And cutting paper. And making lists. I got to add House season two to my list of all DVD's and VHS tapes I own.
I also added "Little Miss Sunshine" because Mom got it for me! I had been wanting to see that. I was so mad when Mom and Dad saw it at the theater without me. So, we all watched it earlier. It is so cute! I laughed so hard during the broken car horn part and the cop with the nudie mags. Anyone who's seen it knows what I'm talking about. (I'm a nerd. I was reading the names of the six stars of the movie on the front cover: Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Paul Dano, Abigail Breslin, and Alan Arkin. I noticed how all of their last names have two syllables, and with the first three the emphasis is on the second syllable, and with the last three the emphasis is on the first syllable. And I said this all out loud to myself.)
I got socks and underwear too! Those are always handy. :) And Mom says she's buying me a haircut. Yes, I asked for one. Mom doesn't just go around telling us kids that we need haircuts.
As part of their presents I had gotten Dad and Sam each a bunch of various scratch-offs and just hoped for the best. Almost always when I give scratch-offs as a present, they're all losers. Well, I lucked out! I am so happy that Dad won a total of $65 off of his and Sam won a total of $41 off of his. The price of all of their scratch-offs together was only $33, so that's awesome. I got lucky with practically every scratch-off I picked out for them.
I'm also glad the sweater I got for my Mom fits her. I was so worried about it. I'm bad with sizing people. Including myself. I can look at a shirt and think it'll be too big for me, but when I put it on, it ends up being way too tight.
Jesse, Kelly, Audrey, and Isabel will be coming around New Year's. I have most of their presents ready, but there are still a couple things I gotta pick up.
Dad got Scene It, the TV edition. We all played it and I won! The challenge I won on? They showed four pictures one at a time of a TV show, and you had to name the show. The first picture looked like some sort of ninja star being thrown, but I wasn't sure. The second picture showed a banner saying "Congratulations Class of 1999" and there was a big long-necked monster head in front of it. That's when I knew. I shouted, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" I rock. :P
Yes, I'm at the radio station again. I hope we can get internet at home soon.
Hope everyone else had a pleasant day! I'm gonna check the f-list. Perhaps I'll see some stories.
P.S. Even the cats had fun today. They thoroughly enjoyed playing in the piles of used wrapping paper and emptied gift boxes. :)
paper shredder,
house season 2 box set,
stuffed patrick star,
scene it,
little miss sunshine,