Ha! I was reading old LJ entries of mine. From back in 2004:
http://ferrynheit.livejournal.com/2004/07/01/ I just love the bit of dialogue at the top. I remember that conversation. 'Twas quite funny.
Anyway... yeah.
I also read old e-mails between Chuck and me. A few nasty little arguments in there, but it's mostly cutesy and funny stuff. Lots of Chuck's drunken e-mails declaring his love for me and telling me just how rad I am. :) And lots of pictures sent back and forth. Pictures of us, of kitties, of various other things. Like the pictures I sent to him of a pile of my socks. Yes, just a pile of socks. Five pictures of them. Why? Because I can.
I'm worried about the pbficexchange now. It overlaps with
NaNoWriMo. I'm thinking one or both may suffer a little. That's too very different stories (one fanfic and one original fiction) with a deadline that falls around the same time, and both are stressful. Eeek! But I shall give them my best shot. I can't wait to find out what my pbfe prompt is. Can't wait 'til November either. My NaNo characters are just jumping around in my head, waiting to get out.
Fine. I'll do it. I didn't particularly like the idea at first, but I see it all over my f-list. Aaahh, peer pressure! Just kidding.
Instructions: Write one statement to each of 10 people on your LJ friends list, without mentioning who you're talking about.
1. I don't know why I keep you on my friends list, since I see I'm no longer on yours. Why'd you take me off? Don't like me anymore? I always thought you were pretty cool.
2. I only talked to you on instant messenger once, and I apologize for just going silent and never saying good night. I do that sometimes. But I honestly do think you're a cool person. Just remember to always be true to yourself. People respond well to honesty, but you found that out. :)
3. You got me into fandom. Without you, I would not have met many other awesome people. I owe you so much, but I could never do for you what you've done for me. You're just too awesome. You were always fair and treated everyone with respect. Thank you!
4. I admired you ever since I read my first of your fanfics. You're very, very awesome and you speak your mind, not worrying if what you like is frowned upon by others. I love that, and I love you!
5. You're super crazy and I want to play in your brilliantly childlike (and equally vulgar and dirty) mind. I think you rock so hard, and I wish you actually believed me, you super talented thing you!
6. I miss talking to you on the phone. You rock muchly, but I feel we are drifting. No, I must not let it happen! Sorry I didn't even IM you last time I was on. I was talking to three other people and get easily overwhelmed in crowds. Besides, I figured you had your new best friend and did not require my presence.
7. I heart you! You're way smarter than I, but it's okay because you can also be quite silly. We can just sit and be weird and it's all good. You make me laugh and I'm so glad I know you.
8. You are absolutely insane and way too hard on yourself. I love you for who you are. Don't listen to the snobs who like to judge everyone. Do whatever you want. Your creativity and never-ending drive amaze me.
9. Hey, you and I need to get together someday for some drinking! It'll be lots of wild, crazy fun! At least I get to see you every now and then when you pop by. I think you're way cool. :)
10. Sorry I never read any of your fics. I meant to, but then I just never did. I added you to my list long ago, but we haven't talked since. You were certainly nice enough. I honestly don't know what makes me stop talking to some people.
God, maybe that's why I didn't want to do this. I don't shut up. Look at me making excuses in those things. See? I'm afraid of what people will think, even if no one really knows which is them. I hate to even admit to some of these. And the first one ended up being a rant to someone who will never see it, because I'M OFF HIS F-LIST. Whatever. I'm done.