It's a compulsion. I must give each entry a title. And they all must be different. Plus, I cannot put the same thing in the music blank. Ever. If I happen to be listening to a song that I've already used for my music choice, then I'll use a different song that I was listening to earlier. As long as it hasn't been used. If I'm not listening to anything at all, I have to think of something different to say each time. "Nothing." "Nada." "Not a thing." "Nothing so far." "No music." And so on and so forth. Let's just call me crazy and leave it at that.
Oh, and for those who may be wondering how I know if I've used a song before, I keep a list. Seriously. After each entry I type up, I add my music choice to the list that I've got saved on my computer. Then I can consult the list if I'm not sure about a song. Chuck says I'm disturbing. But he loves me anyway. Aww. :)
My shoes arrived! The lighting's terrible, but they're brown, tan, and a color that I like to call sand, but I'm not really sure what the exact color is. I used to hate brown and thought it was such an ugly color, but I really love it now. Especially tans and other lighter browns. The shoes are Adio. Skater shoes. I use them for standing.
Hee! My little cousin,
Koleton (sounds the same as Colton)! He's such a funny kid, and I swear he could be in commercials. Look at that smile! He's gonna be a little heart breaker one day.
Bad-quality picture from not-latest issue of TV Guide that gave me nice visions:
two of my favorite people! It's just such a funny combination of guys. And I snicker at the fact that they have to add in parentheses for Robert "he's really nice!"
Sooo tired.