OMFG! In my dream last night, I made out with Robert Thompson! WTF?
He's a regular at Mobil, and he kinda talks to me now, but I don't wanna make out with the guy!
So, in the dream, I was housesitting for someone in a city. It was an upstairs apartment. Actually, the outside of it looked like
ladyithis's place (not that anybody else knows what that looks like). Basically, there are a couple staircases outside the building that lead to the door of the upstairs apartment. Anywho, I was inside just hanging out, and then there's a knock at the door. It's Robert Thompson asking if he can come in. I let him in, and a puppy came in with him, but that's not relevant to the rest of the dream. I don't even think it was his puppy. Just a stray that happened to be at the door as well. I, for some unknown reason, knelt down next to the bed, which happened to be in the living room, and it was a bunk bed. I just knelt down next to one of the posts while I listened to Robert tell me how he was having car trouble. Something or other broke and he needed it fixed. I couldn't really help him, but I listened to him all the same. And then he knelt down in front of me and just stared at me. I started talking, but I can't remember at all what I was saying. And when I finished, he suddenly leaned in and closed his eyes, and then he kissed me, and there we were, making out on the floor. And it was way awkward. Like, seriously. Our mouths were moving all weird and I didn't know if I should be using tongue and... yeah. It was strange. So then we stopped and didn't even look at each other. And then he got up and left and I felt like an idiot. And later on a dozen kids came over to play because, suddenly, I'm not only housesitting but babysitting as well. And I'm pretty sure the house was overrun with kittens later, but I don't remember that whole part.
My subconcious is weird.
I also forgot to mention that Justin Fenlon came into Mobil Saturday night. I hadn't seen him since we graduated. He's living in the cities and says he already got a good job in whatever field he's studying in, I don't even know. And the only thing he bought was condoms.
I could not have made a bigger fool of myself.
I have this personal rule never to say "Have a good night!" to anyone buying condoms. It's just weird. Well, I didn't say that to Justin, but because I was all nervous about seeing him (another old crush, oy), after he asked me, "So, how are you doin'?" I replied, "I'm good." Then, I picked up the box of condoms, waved it around a bit, and said, "And it looks like you're doin' pretty good too!" *facepalm*
Yeah, I'm sure my face got pretty red.
Anyway, let's not relive that.