I am pissed. Oh hell, I just typed pizzed. I'm amazed I'm typing at all. I am backspacing like crazy. If you find any mistakes that I missed, blame the screwdrivers. Oh, and I had a long island iced tea, which has no iced tea in it and doesn't taste as good.
Sorry to my friends who hate booze. I will not become an alcoholic, I swear. I just happen to be drunk right now. Not drunk enough to not correct my mistakes, but still drunk. God, I am making a lot of mistakes. I feel so weird
I called
lissa_bear and we had an awesome talk! (That I don't completely remember.) But it was fun! I will call her if Elliot gets kicked off of American Idol.
Jason hates that I watch American Idol, but I don't care. I'm not all here. Well, I am, but everything's distorted, and the cats just knocked down some of my CD's and I actually laughed instead of getting mad. Normally I'd yell at them, but I just laughed.
Who the fuck is on Conan right now? I don't think I know that gut, but I don't think I know anything right now. Everything is a bit weird.
Some security guard at the Casino started talking to me. I think he thought I was hot. Just kidding. I have no idea. It's just that when I'm drunk, I think everyone wants me.
This guys sounds like Billybob Thornton, but he's not. First of all, he's a black dude. Who is this guy on Conan? I will have to ask Clex someday. She watches Conan.
OMG, I just realized that I told everyone I was pissed and didn't even explain why. Because I tried to make a voice post and couldn't seem to do it. I must be too drunk. I swear I was doing everything right, but it just wouldn't work. Dammit!
Okay, I just backspaced, like, eighty-seven times, so I think I should go now.
Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! Sorry I suck. Sorry I never wished you a happy birthday. I will try to get better. I miss so much. Because I am preoccupied with crap. Blah.
Anyway, Rusty Zaspel was good, but I was too chicken to tell him he was good. And OMG, I've been rambling on. Is this a long post? I don't even know. All I know is that it's extremely well-grammar-sized because even in my drunken state I am awesome at English. No, it's just because of my OCD. Hi, Clex!
OMG, hi, everyone! Hi, Kate and Kate! And Megan! And Luke and Marcus! And Adam! And all you crazy PB people! And OMG, I feel like I'm missing several people, and I probably am, but drunk posting is dangerous. I'm sorry.
I need to go now. I am feeling so weeeeird. I want to do something, but I don't think I can.
Happy Birthday to me! Weeeeeee!
P.S. I love stuff! And that thing. And wow. Holy crap. Weeeee! Yeah, bye. And that too. Don't mind me. Seriously. I am amazed. Hi, you! Wow, never mind. I have no idea what I just typed. That's okay.