I don't know if it was just because I was so looking forward to the season opener that I expected more, but I felt a little let down. Don't get me wrong, it was good, and definitely had some great stuff in there, but over-all I was rather underwhelmed.
[Spoiler (click to open)]Really liked how Dean, in Sam's head, was the embodiment of continuing to fight and trying to live, though I was really hoping for some brotherly schmoop and for Sam's one question to Death asking if Dean would be all right if he left, not asking if he'd stay dead for sure this time - that really disappointed me as it seemed to me the ultimate running away... again.
Anyway, liked that Cas finally got to change clothes, though a bit sad how Dean so casually killed the angel while knowing that the vessel would die with it.
Love Tahmoh Penikett as the new angel! Cute as hell and definitely won't mind seeing more of him, though it was rather sneaky the way he got Sam to say yes when what Sam was saying was yes to living not yes to being possessed by an angel. Also, as angels have proven themselves to be unreliable and perfidious, you have to wonder if he's telling the truth to Dean about being there to help and if he doesn't have his own ultimately self-serving game plan in place. So, a good episode, and a nice set-up for what I'm sure will be an epic blow-up between the brothers once Sam finds out what happened and, I'm sure, more splitting up (is it just me, or is that getting old?), but overall the ep. rates a three out of five stars. Hoping for more schmoop in the future, but I think that that's because I read too much fic ;)