Mar 20, 2007 12:37
Dear dr. yuki.
You don't have anything to worry about. Really, it's okay to have senoritis as a senior. But as a Junior, in my case, it is not so good. After reviewing your story of deteriation, I must tell my own. My room is finally clean, after coming back in January from home. I cleaned it before going to Florida. And really, life at the apt isn't bad.
But school is a different story. The junioritis as struck and I can barely focus on what I should be doing to pass. I keep on giving myself concessions instead of just sticking to it. I've missed too many classes and a few assignments. I've alread dropped one class this semester, so the load is a little better, but I am not doing a good job keeping up in my reading, (which is about 40+ pages a week for each class) The only thing I am doing okay in is work. I never miss work, I never call in sick. I get there on time and do it well.
Work is probably the most stress free activity I have.
But don't worry about your B's. I am hoping for C's. I will most likely retake one of these classes next semester or over the summer.
Your stressed friend, Jill