A while back, I showed K the (to me) hilarious chaucer-macro "I'm in ur pylgrymage messin with ur cortly lov paradime" from chaucerhathblog
(part of
K didn't understand what she was looking at. The odd thing is that though she did have a basic understanding of courtly love, she didn't know why the spelling of the caption was so deviated.
Turns out she hadn't seen any image macros before. In trying to explain it, I mentioned image macros, and when she didn't understand those, I mentioned lolcats.
She didn't know what those were either. I gave a few examples, then googled it. That of course took us to the wiki page
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolcat And that, serendipitously, gave me and her a new word: snowclones.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowclone Very cool.