After the end of the world (BLITEOTW post-mortem)

Jun 14, 2007 09:19

Yesterday was a blast. Thanks to all who played along.

Incidentally, I left mine "unfinished" deliberately, headed for the rumored train, hoping to get home from manhattan. The intended interpretation, of course, is that I didn't make it. Sad, but too likely.

Couple of observations: first, the story got "into my head" to a really surprising degree. My mind kept wanting to map the sirens, masses of pedestrians, and crowded train into the story.

Second, I realized the quite alarming degree to which I'm really completely unprepared for such an event, here in the city. When I have taken those zombie preparedness quizes in the past, I've answered as though I were at home, but if the great zombie uprising catches me in New York, I'm pretty much screwed.

Third, I wrote Z and K into the story without discussing it with them. When I later asked Z what he'd have done, he said they'd have packed the car with weapons, food, water, and camping gear and headed for a safe place. I think his safe place is pretty safe: it's an island. Whether he could actually get them there is another story. He seemed quite puzzled that I would have attempted to get home. It didn't make sense to him.

Recent friends:
First, I welcome all of you who friended me during The Event, but really, I'm not that interesting. I don't write very often, and usually about fairly mundane things. But welcome for however long you're here.
Second, to those I friended (using falcongirl's excellent script findable here): it was originally my intent to unfriend you all immediately afterwards (today), but I've enjoyed this enough that I've been rethinking. So, I will probably keep you on my reading list for a while at least. If the volume gets to be too heavy, I'll be forced to cut back - if that should happen, no insult intended.

Thanks especially to the BLITWOTW gang.

zombies, bliteotw

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