It has been raining steadily since like 7 pm last night. I heard it raining hard overnight as well as lots of wind. This morning, 9ish, I made the decision to stay home half because I didn't think it was worth battling this downpouring rain and heavy wind for 6 hrs of work, when I can put in a half a day at home anyway. I just looked at the radar and it's just hanging over the coastal area. So it's only us, the coastal area, that is getting these downpours. The western and central part of the state are clear. Go figure.
Still haven't heard from the vet with the blood test results but he said he's been putting 16 hr days in so he doesn't get to his callbacks until late. Stripe ate a little more for me, then I syringed him another 12 cc so he's eaten at least 40cc if not 50 already today. I'm going to make the next batch with mostly baby food since he's licked that off my finger last night and today.
Funny story with last night. I didn't get a chance to feed him again before I took off for the ER vet, so I grabbed the baby food out of the fridge (cold and all) and started giving him some off my finger. I gave him a few finger fulls until he wouldn't lick it off anymore. So I took the baby food with me, thinking if he needs to stay overnight I want to at least get some more food into him.
I started doing some work around 11:30 and after not even reading one page my eyes felt heavy. So I figured let me lay down a while and hopefully I'll be able to get to work afterwords. Well you know how sometimes you lay down, you are awake, but feel paralysed, like you just are too tired to move. Well that's how I felt. But I finally became unparalysed around 2:45! First thing I did was check on Stripe. He was sleeping peacefully in his pocket hammock I put up for him now that he was cleared for climbing. He wasn't shivering, well not for the few seconds I watched him anyway. I'll go in to feed Heather soon again and get him up then for another 2 syringe fulls. I did give him more pepcid too. I had been giving him low doses of it, so I doubled it just because I know I can (I'm still giving less than the vet said the highest would be).
I also made myself soup. I don't really like soup. I don't like drinking my food. But I threw in noodles and rice with the Liptons soup so it's really flavored noodles and rice that I call soup. And that's what I'm eating now.
My memory chips are enroute to me now yeah! They should be here any time now. On fedex truck. So I'll be ripping my computer apart to throw in this memory. Hopefully it's not difficult. I've had a computer that I added memory to and it was a bitch to get to because of where it was located!
Update: Dr Doolen called. Stripe was a little dehydrated when he had his blood taken (I can attest - for some reason he doesn't like the water bottle any more and he only had a water bottle at work with me- now he has both and he's drinking strickly from the water bowl). He also has high white blood count, high enough that he thinks he might have an infection going on, so he's calling in amoxi for me to the pharmacy - yeah! We'll do blood work again in 2 weeks. He said electrolytes were good on that test too. And that his sugar level was lower than normal, but right on the edge, so not enough to be crisis (plus I gave nutrical last night with no improvement). So basically, some meds, give him the pain meds, lower dose if I want, and lets see if it works.