xposted from my journal.
Tino, after I cleaned his cage (and dropped sawdust from the litter box all over his door, oops!) last night. This is referred to as the "Guard Ferret Routine" since he won't allow anyone to visit the inside of his humble abode. The blanket's over his cage because it's cool, and he's still partially nakey.
Duncan, sleeping in a really stupid place. He's not balding, or suffering from thin fur... he has a really long winter coat and it lays weird. That's Romeo's big butt, and yes.. he IS preparing to use that puppy pad for it's intended purpose.
And now my pet polar bear. We'll call him Romeo just for fun. I think this picture makes him look a LOT smaller than he really is.
Another attempt at a full body shot
And then a picture trying to show just how long his fur is. I can braid it if he holds still long enough, literally.
Taken today, in the midst of one of his infamous freakouts
I still need someone to explain to me how that little boy, WHO USED TO FIT IN MY HAND, turned into such a big fat furry monster.