(no subject)

Nov 22, 2004 10:56

There's nothing quite like getting the "cold shoulder" from a ferret for the better part of 36 hours, not being able to figure out WHY, and then having them spell it out for you.

I was gone all day Saturday - while I was gone, I did a lot of raking of leaves, and other yardwork at our cottage that's about 2.5 hours away. During all of the raking, I managed to somehow break the vast majority of my fingernails. Not thinking much of it, I went on with my life. When we returned home that night, Phoenix wanted to say hi, so I picked him up, pet him... gave him kisses and snuggles. He wanted me to scratch his neck, like usual, but quickly became annoyed and wanted down. I didn't put two and two together. All day yesterday, everytime he wanted scratched, he'd get very angry and hiss at me and then get down.

He was laying with me this morning, and I was scratching his neck with my thumb - one of the nails that remains long-ish. He was fine. I switched to a finger that had a short nail, and he got pissed off! Then he started sniffing around my fingers, and every finger with a shorter-than-normal nail got bitten! He likes to sort of chew on my nails while he falls asleep, and the inability to do that, combined with the lack of proper neck scratching tools made for one very, very cranky little boy.

Next person that tells me ferrets are dumb and can't express themselves/get their points across is going to get kicked in the head, I think. ;)
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