
Aug 18, 2010 08:11

I find the increasing rhetoric about Muslims to be absolutely horrific. I'm shocked and astounded and growing rather afraid. What's most frightening is seeing it come from members of religious groups that are also persecuted by Christians.

I've read the far right Christians books. The ones that think Pagans and New Agers are after them. That we're part of a worldwide conspiracy to take their children and take over the world and are part of the devil's army.

Again, I've read the books. I've seen the quotes from Starhawk and Deepok Chopra and all the other famous people. So it must be true, right? That's what's really happening. They have proof, right there in black and white.

And now those same arguments and lies are being used by the same types of "Christians" against Muslims. And again, people are falling for it. But now its backed by politicians jockeying for position for elections, adding "legitimacy" to the nonsense. And now I see even non-Christians believing the same lies and hate. And spewing it right back out.

I'm ashamed to be an American. Land of the free my ass. Free to hate. Free to be afraid of those you don't know and know nothing about.

Look, is it sensitive to build a Mosque there? I dunno. I really can't say. A HANDFUL of Muslims out of a few million committed a horrible act. And now a majority in this country want to hold an entire religious group accountable. The same religious group that

- Has screamed at me in an airport for being the wrong religion
- Has had members publicly state on major news networks that non-Christians should be put in camps
- That truly believe that this is a "Christian Nation"
- That believe they have a mission from God given to them in the bible to convert all non-Christians
- That actively takes these steps WORLDWIDE
- That bangs on my door, my entire life, to ask me if I've heard the word before
- That thinks all the rest of us should basically convert or die
- That would happily TAKE MY CHILDREN FROM ME for being who I am

are the same people screaming about the intolerance and hate of Muslims. These same people honestly think a few million people are going to come for us any day now. I had someone on Twitter tell me that. I asked him why we aren't seeing millions of bombs right now then. He didn't have a decent answer.

The Christian bible has some truly horrific stuff in it. Really. Stoning family members to death, killing women and children...and these are laws about how you are supposed to act.

BUT...that's no big deal, but all American Muslims must surely take their religious book literally too since we've seen all the Christians do it too. They're all out stoning their unmarried, pregnant daughters and unborn children to death, right? Burning witches? Killing gays? All of them?

But its the Muslims I should be afraid of, right?

Define irony for me again. Please.

I've had a lot of interactions with Muslims. I've NEVER had one treat me as horrifically as some Christians. I've never had one bang on my door asking me if I've heard the word of Allah. The ladies who check me out at the store don't hand me a bomb with my receipt.

And I love the part about how now this cultural center/mosque is going to be some staging area for an attack that is supposedly backed by terrorist money.

Again, apparently there are millions of Muslims out to get us. That, for some unknown reason, aren’t busy blowing us all up right now. All Muslims. Out to get us. Not just a few extremists. Got it.

And rather than come at us stealthily like before, they thought they’d toss us a $100 million dollar building and a press release. And then come get us through that mosque. Rather than use the one already at “ground zero” as a staging area. Or just use a pizza shop. Or taxi. Or just park a car like McVey did. Or go even cheaper and buy a suit and a clipboard (because people with that can’t go anywhere they want, right?).

Because hijacking a plane or stealing a van is too much of a pain in the butt, but long, drawn-out debates that go on for months on television, online, and possibly in court rooms is WAY easier and more efficient.

Yes, the terrorists will come at us with a sign that says "I will blow you up now". Just like they'll be obvious at the airport by not putting lotion in a small container in a bag where we can all see it. THAT'S how you spot a real terrorist.

Seriously, I had to get this off my chest somewhere. The pants-on-head asininity of it is just blowing my mind.

social commentary, activism, politics

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