Apr 03, 2007 12:40
I find it amusing that Steph's friends are still responding to that painting's immolation, while I myself have finally (I'm pretty sure this time) moved on. I mean, what else can possibly happen to exacerbate this situation any further? Plus, in the past month or so, I've had the satisfaction of destroying the painting, finding out Dylan is gay, and seeing Steph and her friends run out of self-righteous crap and resort to poorly-thought-out insults against my sexual ability.
I think I can finally put this thing to bed. I'm not angry anymore. I don't miss her anymore. I can think back on the past two years without being momentarily paralyzed by one emotion or another. Thank you all for putting up with this for so long :P
OH, I almost forgot. The painting thing gave me the idea for a new MwC segment, Catharsis Corner. If you have items from a past relationship that you want to get rid of, just let Joel or I know. We'll film you giving a bit of backstory on the item, and then the three of us will go about destroying it in the manner of your choice. Should be fun :)