
May 08, 2006 17:56

Work has gotten weird... X.x; I work three hours today... just... weird... yeah... I need more sleep :gonk:
*ganks from Crusty* >.>
name: Dawson
female or male: *checks pants* Thankfully still male
birthday: January 21, 1986
color eyes: Whitish to Blackish Blue
heritage: Just plain Mutt
where do you live now: *checks the tempeture* Uh, yep, looks like I"m still in hell...
aqe: 20

what you're doing now.
listening to: Eating, drinking, listening to music, ignoring my cat...
looking at: Computer
eating or drinking: Both...
wearing: Camo-Cargo-Pants, shoes...*checks* and underwear...
talking to: *not* talking to cat *glares*
are you online: Ge... I wonder...
are you on the phone: Nope
your mood and why: Blah! Weirdness of the day... >.>

color: Blue, Green, Darkness
#: 3
food: Pizza
song: *hits random button on his iTunes* Uh... What It's Like - Everlast
show: Uh, to many lol
animal: Ferrets, and otters, DUH!
drink: Barqs Root Beer FOR THE WIN! xD
snack: Anything yummy xD
dessert: Uh... Key Lime Pie *Droolz*
store: Hmm... that's a toughy... I wonder... could it be... Game Depot?
passtime: Gamin'
childhood toy: Pick a Transformer, any transformer XD
person: Tie between Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein... >.>
eye color: *shrugs* Green or Blue...
car: Soon to be that pretty little '91 two door honda acord sittin' in the car port >.>
salad dressing: Bacon Ranch...
article of clothing: Pick a hat, any hat... xD

your bedroom.
bed size: Futon, what ever it is divided by 2
describe your bed spread: Green... and fuzy... well, decade or so ago when it was new it was anyway xD
color of your walls: White BLAH X.x;
have a tv: No -.-
have a radio: Si... wakes me up everyday -.-
stuffed animals on your bed: Does my cat count?
how many pillows: Uh... 5-7 depending on how many I kicked off last night xD
do you like your bedroom: Si
do you have a big closet: Closet? OH! you mean that thing that I never use... Uh.. I guess so...
what position are you in when you first go to sleep: Side...
what position are you in when you first wake up: What ever random position I end up in...
is your bed comfortable: Cha
what's under your bed: Junk, and occasionally a Ferret
favorite thinq about your room: Hmm... No clue... Crazy ass ferret?

this or that.
coke or pepsi: Barqs
mcdonald's or wendy's: Wendy's (almost always have Barqs)
tv or radio: Computer
car or truck: bike
zebra or giraffe: rhino
penguin or dolphin: dolphin... *glares at crusty*
sweet tea or soda: soda
hamburger or hot dog: Corndog
britney or christina: Averl Lavign
brad pitt or ashton kutcher: ashton for Bueterfly Effect kick-ass-ness
real world or road rules: Road Rules
rap or rock: Rock
colored or black and white pictures: Both
scary or comedy movies: Both
sugar or spice: Spice
unicorns or fairies: Pixies, like fairies only like to cause a hell of a lot more trouble
real ghost or imagination: Probably both
toes or fingers: Fingers *glares at toes*
hard bed or soft bed: Soft
raggedy ann or andy: Chucky
pee in your pants or fart in school: Fart
love or lust: Love

first thing that comes to mind.
mules: Asses to ashes, donkeys to dust...
blinking lights: strob
homosexuals: Girls making out...
fat people: earthquake
whores: scores
britney's boobs: booooobs.....
outkast: cool
the dentist: bore

what do you think of when you hear these names:
james: Bond
joey: Triviani
amy: lee cook
stephanie: full house
jill: and jack
bart: simpson
herald: and kumar
bob: Silent
fred: Drop Dead
jack: gramps
muhammad: ali
jennifer: anistin
michelle: gilmore girls lol
kevin: smith
tom: and Jerry
lindsay: lohan
philip: carter
lisa: simpson

your childhood.
did you always get your way: I wish
did you have any pets: yep
your favorite toy: Legos
did you have a special blanket: Maybe *shiftie eyes*
GI joes or barbies: Joes... and a lighter /gg
did you wear underwear with the days of the week: Nope
did you wear your underwear in the right places: When I wore them... I think so...
did you think there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: both
what about geese: ?
were you scared of the dark: Nope
did you have boyfriends/girlfriends: Second grade...
favorite friend when you were little: Matt
did you qo to the zoo or the circus: Both, *still knows the zoo like the back of his hand*
did you think ninja turtles really lived in the sewer: HELL YES! and they still do damnit!
did you build snowmen: More often then not I built snow fortresses, but there was the occasional snowman...
did you have really bad hair cuts: Yeah...

if a fat person knocked you over what would you do next: Doh...
wasn't the pink power ranger awesome: *taps her empty head* uh... nooo...
what's the weirdest dream you've ever had? Pick one, any one
what are you scared of: Scorpions... -.-;;
do you have a disposal in your kitchen: yep
what's your great grandmother's name: Uh... Courtney's the one still kickin *thumbs up*
what's something you can't qet enough of: *cough*games*cough*
what do you wish you were doing now: Playing RO
future kid's names: *shrugs* I got the idea once for a crazy looped naming chain but I doubt I'd do it lol
how do you control your anger: Plug in Jet Force Gemini, turn on the "I C U Bleed Funny Colors" Cheat, get full machine gun ammo... cut loose...
how do you relieve your stress: Plug in Jet Force Gem... know what, just see above...
do you workout: *pushes up flabby arms* uh... hmm... no >.<;
cuss: Like a storm
drink: almost anything
smoke: Hell no
are you a strong person: Mentally, physically, or emotionally? xD
do you like to burn candles: yes
how many candles are in your room: 0, no safe places for one lol
what's your dream car: *points to the one that will one day be his* Just needs a CD player >.>
what do you wish your room looked like: uh... As is... I guess *Shrugs*
ever been burglarized: Nope
how many lights are in your house: Alot
how many phones are in your house: Depends on whose home lol
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