Jul 28, 2009 08:40
Facebook has really kept me away from here. That being said...
We aren't going to FL- the shuttle launch was moved to "Late August +". No confirmed date and into when we have to be back at work, ::sigh::. That being the case, there isn't really a reason to spend a lot of money to go down when we haven't gotten the house rented yet, even though it would be cheaper than it could have been otherwise. Still too much for the heck of it. ::sigh::
House still isn't rented. No idea what the situation is to get it rented (Norristown rules, etc). J is in charge of that- he has 4 real duties: old house, trash, dishes, mowing the lawn. I'm trying very hard not to get in the middle of it, but we really need to get it rented by Sept...
My D&D campaign has lots of stuff upcoming- I pulled together a big Maltese Falcon style mystery for a telepath and paladin which I think will be awesome and then I have lots more set up as well. Yay!
Need to get into habits about cleaning up behind us- I'm doing ok, other people who use my house could use help...I lost my timer as well which makes me sad.
I've been excercising regularly and watching my calorie intake...and not losing a damn pound. Grrr... I need to lose 10, I'd like to lose 20.
Kid is awesome. 'Nuff said.
Writing hasn't been doing anything. I've gotten into the habit of the laptop and my laptop doesn't have all my writing. I could change that. Maybe I should.
That's about it right now. ::shrug:: Same old, same old.