Mar 08, 2011 05:01
Okay so odviously I need to post something. I havn't been here in forever.
I recently started writing and who knew I would enjoy it so much? I literally at work just stand there waiting to go home to write. Now I just need to work on the other little things like posting and linking and what-not. I've been working on a couple of Danny/Sylar's which I find a fasinating combination, because they are such polar opposites. Its just hard working around Sylar's redemption and if Danny would really look past the whole 'murderer' thing realistically. But its cool. I've even been thinking about writing a story where Danny goes evil- like mirror Danny- or something. And I know it probably goes against the character but giving Danny powers is one of the only ways I see Sylar taking a interest in him orginally. As much as I want to redem Sylar I imagin he's still Sylar, he doesn't suddenly turn all sunshine and rainbows because he decides not to kill people. You can do evil things without killing someone. Another problem is not bastardizing secondary characters, because your looking at it from Sylars point of view and I can't help but imagine he's victimized by the other Hero's (which in reality he's not, he's just only not getting things to go his way for once) and I don't want them to be read one dimensionally. I should just write a quick PWP where I only focus on Sylar/Danny and I wouldn't have these problems. It's a pain, I can never write ending that I'm satisfied with.
On a personal note, I'm hoping to get a new job. I really dislike mine and if it wasn't for my coworkers I would walk out of there a never look back. Its dumb and management is stupid. I don't understand why they get paid more to stand around and watch us do our jobs, and refuse to help us out. I'm a cashier, so we have shift leaders there to help out when we need overrides or more change, things we can't leave our registers for if we're busy, so they basically stand around watching us till we need them. But they stand there gossiping among themselves when there's product on the floor that they could help pick up when they arn't busy. When I walk to the bathroom I find myself picking up messes that I find along the way and that arn't even in my department. So why is it so hard for them to help out? And the fact that we work 6 hour shift with no sort of break kind of pisses me off. I've never worked at a store that didn't give some sort of break; at least a 15 or 30 min to get a drink, eat a light snack, or just rest for a moment. I really want a full time job but I don't think I'd last there at this store. I actually miss working for Hollywood Video, and our manager was always 'traveling'. I also hate that I get paid diddly-sqwat.
So yeah, I'm writing to probably relieve my stress that I get from work. So progress there.