Mar 12, 2007 23:51
12 Hour Days:
I have been non-existent online for the last few weeks because two projects (I work freelance doing construction work for various theatres around town) came to a head at the same time. One of them, a DVD/film project, had been brewing for MONTHS. The designer, in his infinite wisdom (*rolls eyes*), put off giving me drawings for one of the projects until two weeks ago. I could have had months and months to be building and perfecting this set that has to go up in front of TV camera (much more particular than theatre) and I only had a week. To do something that I had never done on my own before. *sighs* I could kick him in the head some days, as much as I may like him as a person.
The other project, a HUGE set for one of the theatres, basically had to be built and put up in a week. This shouldn't have been a problem if, a) the TD (Technical Director) had a clue what he was doing and wasn't already exhausted from his other job, b) we had more than just me and him working on it, and c) we had had more than a week. The latter couldn't be helped. That's just how it goes in theatre. The first two are related, but that's another story.
And, of course, both projects want me to be giving my all to them every single day. Nuh-uh, not gonna happen folks. The DVD project is paying me more and the producer is nicer, so I did all I could for them. Plus, they hired me first. They were my first priority.
The other project I went to in the evenings and worked until 10:30 or midnight. This last weekend was entirely devoted to getting the set for the second project in the air (yes, we had to deal with rigging it, and it was HEAVY). Ugh.
And all this on top of twelve hour days with Jon working on sculptures for the Art Hop that was three weeks ago. Needless to say, I'm dead on my feet, exhausted from endless days of work.
Guitar Hero:
So, the other day I come home and Ben's standing in our living room, "strumming" away on a Guitar Hero guitar. I'm home for five seconds to grab a sandwich and a handful of carrots before I head off to build some more, and here's Ben playing the video game I've wanted for months, and I have to leave him with it. *sighs* It was a hard day.
But I had this evening off, and I played it, and it's tons of fun.
300 was amazing. I highly recommend it, unless blood and gore squicks you. Not historically accurate, but not wildly. It's just a ton of fun.
video games