Jun 23, 2007 10:32
Mom is not a happy camper. She is now on insulin to control her diabetes. Not because her blood sugar is so out of wack that she needs it to bring it down, but because the pills she was on made her gain weight and hurt in her joints. She could suffer more and stay on the pills, but who would do that!? Besides, the nurse who was showing us how to inject the insulin told us that Mom will start feeling a lot better soon, which is what we want more than anything. I am saddened watching Mom walk up the hill to get groceries in the amount of pain she is in. I really hope she starts feeling better soon; she's been through enough.
I am not doing the best myself. One of the two meds I am on makes me so tired that no matter what I do, I cannot stop sleeping. So my shrink cut that medication in half; and the good news is that I don't sleep like I did. INSTEAD, I am paranoid, suffer migraines, cry, have panic attacks at night that wake me up, become dizzy and overall don't feel well. Traded one problem for another. I see Dr. Black again Tuesday, and find out what we are going to do from there. For some reason unknown to me, I have this feeling that if I go back on the full dose again, that I have somehow "failed" myself. That might even be the paranoia speaking, when I told Paul Freeman this on Thursday he himself didn't understand why I'd feel this way.
I don't know if I'll be on LJ to say this on Monday, so I'll say it now;