Okayz. I've been waiting for a few days to do a megapost on the last friday of may. you see, for me, may has been the month from hell. however lotsa good stuffs has happened to me. I shall categorize as much as i can rmbr starting with FANDOM!
Okay. Lets begin with 2NE1. i LOOOOOOOVE Fire. i absolutely love it. I'm not sure who my fave is at the moment, i dont know them enough and i wont , at least until they come on shows and whatnot, but right now i cant decide between CL and emjay. i love them so much. emjay's so hot man, did you see her licking her fingers in that video when she says ' follow , follow me'? and shes 2 years younger then me. See, its times like this that i wish i had a penis. LOL, i kid. Next, SUJUUUUUU - it's you. ALSO LOVE IT! theyre so damn sexy that it kills me. i just.... its just... GAH. has anyone watched them on Intimate Note yet? i love teh whole heechul and eunhyuk also secretly being on the show thing. and heechul = heesica! LMFAO! I totally believed taht hyukjae and heenim got closer, but singmin and kangin? meh - looked so forced. i have a sudden urge to watch EHB now. ill have to resist - too much other stuff to watch at teh moment. Mangas- does anyone read skip beat or vampire knight? im like DYING to talk to someone about whats been going on with those series lately. DYING! People on forums take forever to respond. Also - i dont know why, but ive developed a thing for yaoi. its .. kinda sorta really bad ... in the sense that theres so much yaoi and so little time. theres this series that i read called Junjou Romantica - AND ITS SO FREAKING GOOD. apparently theres an anime so im gonna watch that after this post. its a teensy but graphic - but HEY! BOYSLOVE = <3<3<3<3<3 I also read this highlarious manga - Yankee-kun to Megane Chan - i suggest you read it. its something along the lines of Gokusen. its just too funny and i almost died! my sides were killing me.
Okay, so today i finished my last ISU - which was for french! i did very well if i do say so myself 97% hoes.- well on my pronounciation at least. the written part was 90%. My spanish ISU was a piece of cake. not even worth doing really. math was a little bit trippy - but i handed that in on... wednesday- the same day i had a math test - also the same day of something that is another topic. My chem ISU had 3 parts - teh 3rd part i did with a partner- we made a chem movie about acids and bases . basically we did a parody of who wants to be a millionaire and did who wants to be a chemist - istead of going up a money scale - we went up the pH scale - 0-14 - also 15 questions - how perfect is that? perfect. well we got perfect on it so WOOT! and i got 45/50 on my last chem test - woot! My math teacher - mr savage ( thats really his name - doesnt exactly suit his presonality - hes the nicest guy evar) is away for the rest of the year - he might return for exams but he has some knee surgery so hes gotta recover from that. and my french teacher whose been gone for a month is scheduled to return on tuesday- YAY - though i really do like mysupply - mrkwon. he just needs to shut up a bit. we started watching this movie in spanish - quinceanera - its really good - there are some hot gay guys in it that 'fool around' lolz. and as i said before - me = yaoi phase - so im like totally into it. we didnt finish it today cause we had mr kulp as a supply - you know hoe he is. he told me there was a famous poet named iqbal - i was like.. cool - iqbal is only one of the MOST COMMON pakistani names but w/e. then he came up to me and asked me if i was from pakistan and i said yes, tehn he gave me a magazine about india , and said my parents would want to read it. and he made me put it in my bag . like he stood there and waited for me to do it. srsly sir? w/e then he forced us to talk about current events ie swine flu or w.e its called now even though we were in spanish class and most ppl werent done the assigned work. then he made me take the attendance down. also he gives out points to people. lincoln left the class and ended up with a 0 - and the teacher goes too bad , you were at a 7 - firstly - how can lincoln get 70% in anything? hes too dumb! secondly WHO CARES! LMFAO! btw he dresses like barney - white pants - BRIGHT GREEN SHIRT - BRIIIIIIGHT PURPLE COAT. OMG. we ended the class by asking him q's - we had to name a country and hed give us teh capital city- wtf! well that was spanish. also - weve had 2 fire drills this week - wtf?
Okay so our school has a school council - and on wednesday we had elections - which means had to go on stage twice to give a speech to a total of 1200 ppl ! anyways - my opponent was this chick who everyone on the SAC - student activity council - hates - lets call her poo. i was on it this year as an honourary - and she was social convener. she almost NEVER came - and when she did shed act as though she were queen of the fucking hive. youre NOT! wtf. anyways, everyone hated her. and during the elections time - like a couple days before. poo tlalked to the girl with whom i made that chem movie i mentioned earlier - and at first she was beating around the bush - just idle chitchat - heres some form of their convo:
poo- my opponent
not poo - my friend
poo - so man sup blah blah - who are you voting for?
not poo - im not sure , it depends ( obviously she was gonna vote for me )
poo - oh? will you vote for me?
not poo - im not sure, it DEPENDS
poo - oh, well , dont vote for amna (me)
WTF ! who does that! OMFG ! yyou can say 'vote for me' but you dont say ' dont vote for her' COME ON! i thought it was purty funny actually.
then when we were doing our speeches the second time - she said to me - i think youll win, and i said - either of us can win, you never know , and she goes- do you think i'll win? HOW AWKWARD IS THAT! shes screwed in the head man. anyway , I WON - i am SAC Vice President! WOOT WOOT! this was that 3rd thing on the wednesday with my math test ans ISU that i mentioned.
3rdly - Just before i started this post i gots an emails. and . guess what.
wow , its been a successful week for me. thank you god! JazakhAllah! WOOOOOOOOT
plz ignore any sppeling and grammar errors - im too happy to check :)