Mar 30, 2007 14:47
So winderfully nice out here! After some 4-5 odd months of the most hellish new england weather spring has finally appeared to some degree at UNH, the nights are still a little chilly, but overall its usually in the high 50s low 60s. T-shirt and shorts are the order of the hour and good times will be had by all. Hell even the upperclassmen, whom by most standards comeout of thier rooms during daylight about as frequently as nosferatu are to be seen chillaxin1 in the sun.
I think I might go live up to my hair and demeanor and play some Frisbee outside! Maybe whilst blaring some music from my car stero much the chagrin of those with so called "taste in music"
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys
Who were up to no good
Startin makin trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared