Thursday YAY

May 03, 2012 08:31

Another day into chaos.  Seems like my day to day is getting more and more complicated. Of course this is all relative, there are people dealing with much more than I have to. But it's about what you are used to handling and how well and fast you adjust.

My job situation is flipped on its head at the moment. So far I am not dealing with the demands of having to search for abetter situation very well. But I am just taking it day by day and trying to make the best decisions I can each day.

With all this stress, I find myself happy to still have this place. it's my one safe haven online (lol oxymoron what?).  It's the one place I do feel I can bitch and moan. I have said that before. Not only bitch and moan, but just be myself. Type my wildly sentimental, poetic yearnings, or complete random thoughts. When I'm anxious that simple pleasure means a lot to me.

work, thoughts

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