Colors, ONLY COLORS!!!!!!!
The other day I had the craziest dream I have ever ever had. Now for me that's saying a lot sine just the other day I had a dream that I was Robin Williams.
My dream was about nothing, showed no one, I was not in it, there was no sound that I can recall, no places, no sky or earth. For the only time in my life EVER I had a dream of just colors. This dream was just of bright, and vibrant colors swimming through nothingness. The colors seemed to be alive. I was the color I suppose. It was as if I could exist inside of colors all the colors all at once. There was noting to touch, no beginning and no end just infinite color. I felt no emotion, had no thoughts I was just there with all the colors. This was indeed the oddest dream I ever had I love it.
On a side note I blame this entirely on one of the artist we work with at my gallery Olafur Eliasson his work must have infected me with this vision.
here is the polyvore set I made to look like my dream, it doesn't really capture it though.
I dream in Technicolor by
Dream Flying on