I <3 stephanie!

Jul 25, 2005 21:27

onThe drive h0me: STEPHANIE!!!!!!!!!

Auto response from l0vinlife: around...

onThe drive h0me: come here
onThe drive h0me: or i shall be forced to brake up with you
l0vinlife: so our relationship doesnt mean enough to you to work thru it
l0vinlife returned at 9:11:12 PM.
l0vinlife: i see
l0vinlife: well then fine
l0vinlife: we're thru!
onThe drive h0me: no!
onThe drive h0me: i was just saying that to get you back!
onThe drive h0me: i would never brake it off!
onThe drive h0me: i would die without you
onThe drive h0me: i need you
l0vinlife: o go cry me a river
onThe drive h0me: you are the air that i breath!
onThe drive h0me: you are the coffee that keeps me alive!
onThe drive h0me: you are the....
onThe drive h0me: umm
onThe drive h0me: sun in my shine!
onThe drive h0me: Steph!
onThe drive h0me: *sobs uncontrollably*
onThe drive h0me: *tries to think how to spell uncontrollably right*
onThe drive h0me: *remembers stephanie is gone*
onThe drive h0me: *dies*
l0vinlife: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
l0vinlife: ur aweosme
l0vinlife: i mean NOT awesome

Auto response from onThe drive h0me: i am dead.
because of stephanie.

l0vinlife: take that
onThe drive h0me: can i be alive again?
l0vinlife: well it depends...can u be alive without me?
l0vinlife: ouch
l0vinlife: burn
onThe drive h0me: no
onThe drive h0me: i cant
onThe drive h0me: i am dead
onThe drive h0me: see the away?!!
onThe drive h0me: dead
onThe drive h0me: this is my ghost
onThe drive h0me: hovering over my body
l0vinlife: hahahaha
onThe drive h0me: lol
l0vinlife: the coffee that keeps u alive? lol
onThe drive h0me: haha
onThe drive h0me: yeah, coffee is my lifeline
onThe drive h0me: but!
onThe drive h0me: what do you think of kevin?
l0vinlife: so cute!!!!
l0vinlife: omg
l0vinlife: how do u dop it?
onThe drive h0me: drop what?
onThe drive h0me: oh wait!
onThe drive h0me: i drop it like its hot!
l0vinlife: do* u butthead
onThe drive h0me: haha
onThe drive h0me: lol
onThe drive h0me: i think that this is a convo worthy of livejournal
onThe drive h0me: what do you think?
onThe drive h0me: oh, and i do it with my good looks, and wit
onThe drive h0me: :-D
l0vinlife: haha
l0vinlife: yes this is definitely livejournal worthy
onThe drive h0me: lol
l0vinlife: and ur ugly as a toilet seat so that cant be it
onThe drive h0me: hey! i like the way toilet seats look!
onThe drive h0me: they are so round!
onThe drive h0me: and oval!
onThe drive h0me: at the same time!
onThe drive h0me: its like.... whoa!
l0vinlife: yeah and theres pee on them
l0vinlife: and wrinkly granny butts
onThe drive h0me: dont be bad mouthing my granny's butt!
onThe drive h0me: i know kick boxing!
onThe drive h0me: i will figh!t you
onThe drive h0me: fight*
onThe drive h0me: !
l0vinlife: o im scarred now
l0vinlife: let me go hide
onThe drive h0me: pshhh you should be!
onThe drive h0me: you can run...
onThe drive h0me: but you cant hide!
onThe drive h0me: i have laser vision
onThe drive h0me: and little locater button
onThe drive h0me: so i can find you
onThe drive h0me: anyday
onThe drive h0me: what!
l0vinlife: haha omg u know wat my brother got my mom 4 her bday?
l0vinlife: a key finder
onThe drive h0me: haha
l0vinlife: cuz shes always losing them
l0vinlife: brb
onThe drive h0me: man! i am psychic too!
onThe drive h0me: o
onThe drive h0me: kl
onThe drive h0me: ok*
onThe drive h0me: but hurry back!
onThe drive h0me: my love!
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