Look who's alive! Me! *lol* Some people knew I was alive because I comment on other LJs sometimes. It's not that I don't have what to post here. In fact, there are lots of things I think of posting here, but then I start doing something else and forget all about it.
One of these things is a fic rec. I know I don't do this often, but I've been reading some good Snily fics, and some Severitus ones at that, and found one that have captured me for its DH compliance and good writing. It's Obsidian Embrace's "Lily's Charm".
Lily's Charm (PG) by
Patronus (SS/HP mentoring, not slash) • Characters: Draco, Dumbledore, Eileen Prince, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, James, Lily, Lucius, McGonagall, Narcissa, Pomfrey, Remus, Ron, Snape, Tonks, Voldemort/Tom
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama • Warnings: Deathly Hallows Spoilers, HBP disregarded, HBP spoilers, Language, Main Character Death, Violence
Published: 04-24-2008 • Updated: 06-23-2008 • Chapters: 10 • Words: 53787 • Reads: 439 • Completed: No
Summary: In a story that spans two decades, Lily and Severus attempt to control the powers of the Dark Mark after Lily's life is threatened. Seventeen years later, Harry uncovers a long-buried truth which will change the course of his life. Thanks to ferporcel for beta-ing!
Yes, I'm beta-reading it for her, I am so in love with it. It's not your typical "Snape is Harry's father" fic, I can assure you of that. Very engaging writing, great use of annoying Marauders - it's told in flashbacks from the Marauders' era and Harry's sixth year. I'm rec'ing it! Go read! *lol*
Still on the SS mentors HP area, the OWL staff started a round robin/group fic on the theme. It's called "Patronus" and can be found on OWL, of course. Each chapter is a drabble, and I'm inviting you all to play. Fun! :0)
Patronus (G) by various authors
Patronus (SS/HP mentoring, not slash) • Characters: Harry, Snape
Genres: Snapshot/Drabble • Warnings: Deathly Hallows Spoilers
Summary: Harry looks for the doe; she finds him wherever he goes. (Round Robin/Multi-author story)
You can sign up to post a drabble on the series
Talking about drabbles, one of mine is nominated in The New Library Awards. How cool is that? I can't stop being amazed when I'm nominated for some award. :0)
You can read "Seduction is..." on
my LJ, on
OWL or
here on
grangersnape100. The voting phase has started, and you'll find all you need to know
here on
Still on drabbles, I've posted two new ones yesterday. They're part of a series on Snape's nose. *lol* Curious? Go
here. ;0)
Now, let's make this post as random as possible: picspam! *lol* I took some pictures from the window of a classroom in the school I'm teaching. :0)
It's Sorocaba river, the riverside avenue, and the railroad.
A bridge over the river, some comercial area. The school is downtown.
More of the railroad, almost at the train station.
To finish this enormous post,
beffeysue tagged me for the 7 curiosities meme.
I've answered this meme once, so if you want to read my answers back then,
click here.
Now, here you have another 7 curiosities about me:
1. Most of my clothes are in plain colors, especially blue, red and cream.
2. When I'm nervous, I sing. It can be only a difficult test ahead or something like a near car crash, I don't know why, but all I do is sing.
3. I love watching people laugh. It's smile inducing.
4. I can't kill cockroaches. I simply can’t.
5. I love the feel of the wind before a storm.
6. I love watching the clouds at sunset.
7. I still haven't baked a cake, people! What's wrong with me?! *lol*
And because I can't write a post and not mention "Not Only a Granger", I'll just say that I've been working on it every day and that the chapter is over 3000 words. :0)