Writer's Meme!

May 03, 2008 13:49

Yes, it's a meme. Yes, it's the same one ariadne1 and annietalbot posted. No, I don't have anything better to do. ;0)

Most annoying character you ever wrote?
Hermione - any day, any story. She's just not in me, or perhaps she's me and I get confused. *lol*

Best plot you ever wrote?
Not Only a Granger is the plot of my life.

Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?
The ending of Hostage, perhaps? I can't see my own twists because they're actually part of the plot.

How often do you get writer's block?
More often than I would like to. I think I'm in the middle of one right now.

How do you fix it?
Writing, even if it takes tons of revising to make it presentable.

Do you type or write by hand?
I type, mostly. Since I started teaching, though, I sometimes write a scene or dialogue by hand because I don't have my computer around.

Do you save everything you write?
I do. I have a "deleted scenes" section on my Not Only a Granger file.

Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
Yes. I did that not long ago. It's an interesting exercise. :0)

What's your favorite thing that you've written?
Chapter 8 and 9 of Not Only a Granger - the muse was with me, that's for sure!

What's everyone else's favorite thing that you've written?
Not Only a Granger. :0)

Do you ever show people your work?
I do make some noise. *lol*

Who's your favorite constructive critic?
ginny_weasley31! I don't know how I lived without her input before! *hugs GinnyW* I also care for miateixeira's opinion on a regular basis. And reviewers, of course. :0)

Did you ever write a novel?
I'm in the process of writing one, does it count?

Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?
I think I write fantasy, but only because I base my work on JKR's. It doesn't really have much magic involved on what I really write, I don't think so.

Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?
Have I? *thinks* Hermione in Hostage? Oh! Lily/Severus in Up to the Last Kiss. Never posted in English, I'm afraid... *scratches head*

What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?
That's easy. Poetry!

How many writing projects are you working on right now?
Three, I think. Not Only a Granger, Snapefest's Snapetes' entry - chapter 1 and some WIPs that are on hiatus (like Up to the Last Kiss).

Do you want to write for a living?
I don't think that's possible for me....

Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?

Have you ever won an award for your writing?
Yes. *huge grin*

Ever written something in script or play format?
No. I wouldn't even know where to start. *lol*

What is your favorite word?
Toast? *lol* I don't know... I don't think I have a favorite word.

Do you ever write based on yourself?
Of course. It's not possible to detach who I am from what I think and write. Actions and situations are all me in the end. But if you're asking about a straight-forward Mary Sue, I'd say not intentionally, although I struggle with Hermione on a regular basis.

Where do you get ideas for your characters?
They live inside me. When a new character is needed, I'll find him/her there already. *shrugs*

Do you ever write based on your dreams?
I don't remember my dreams much....

Do you prefer happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
I aim for happy endings, but I don't always manage to get there. Cliff-hangers seem to be in my nature. *lol* Sorry!

Have you ever written anything based on an artwork you've seen?
Yes. It's a drabble or something and it's here.

Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
Yes, very.

Ever write something entirely in chatspeak?
No. I don't do chatspeak.

Does music help you write?

Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?
In RL? Those who know me know that I'm an accomplished person, I suppose. I don't think the fact that I write well would be surprising. Yes, I'm arrogant! *lol*

That's quite enough! *lol*



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