hmm just listened to a google video about the infinite

Jul 23, 2008 14:29

So in the analysis of the infinite of the many that tried to analyse the infinite 2 killed themselves 2 went insane and one starved himself to death.... hmmm best not to look too deeply into the infinite.

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taverens July 24 2008, 16:23:47 UTC
Best not =)

or you could be the best of the worst and explore it but be the one guy who makes it back =P


bamzam229 July 24 2008, 18:12:27 UTC
Maybe it was the trip back that got 'em.


taverens July 24 2008, 18:50:16 UTC
could be : P have not talked to you on awile. How yah been?


bamzam229 July 25 2008, 02:30:58 UTC
Alright. You?


taverens July 25 2008, 04:39:27 UTC
good. work is killing me but the money is nice. hows that apartment going?


bamzam229 July 25 2008, 05:59:28 UTC
Great now that I'm alone again.


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