Title: Gleam
Anime: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: NiouxYagyuu
Rating: G
Notes: I wrote this as Niou Masaharu for the community of
bnf_brawl as a request from Yagyuu Hiroshi.
He was so close that Yagyuu could feel Niou’s breath on the tender skin of his lips. His heart pounded furiously, feeling he was about to die because the tension between them was that heavy. Their gaze locked on each others and heated. Yagyuu trembled for a second, light catching the corner of his glasses. That had caught Niou’s attention, and in a split second he grinned wickedly, whipped his hand up and pulled the glasses away from Yagyuu’s head.
“Gimme these for a second.” Niou said and pulled back completely, then shifted on the bed.
Yagyuu breathed a sigh of relief and dared to slouch for a moment as he watched Niou with his glasses. “Don’t break them.” He warned, repressing a sigh. He didn’t bother to question some of the things that the other did sometimes. He knew Niou could be unpredictable, childish, and sometimes such an asshole he wanted to lash out and hit him… but he took it with a grain of salt and simply accepted that was the behavior of his doubles partner.
Niou stood up and walked toward the bathroom, still grinning mischievously. There was something working in his brain, and once that thought process started it was hard to even think of anything aside from what he had in store.
“I’ve got an idea.” Niou declared after several moments, now stepping back out of the bathroom wearing Yagyuu’s glasses.
“We’ve already been through this, Niou-kun.” In fact it was almost exactly like the first time Niou had proposed that idea. At least that’s what he was thinking Niou was thinking.
“Nah, been there, done that.” Chuckling, he walked back over to the bed and plopped in. “It’s no fun anymore since people know about it anyway. I meant something else.”
“And what would that be?”
“You’ll see.” Niou replied simply and pealed Yagyuu’s glasses off, handing them back to their owner.
The next morning Yagyuu heard screams from down the hall. He shook his head and sighed. As he chanced a glance at the door he saw several frighten girls running away with what looked like foam flying off them. Did he really want to know?
To think such a wonderful idea had spawned all because of the gleam off of Yagyuu’s glasses. Sometimes Niou even amazed himself.