Jun 24, 2005 01:24
so here I sit with my laptop at Whataburger in Cedar Hill updating my LJ because my house has been without a working phone line for two weeks. It really sucks....my other half hasn't heard a word from me since then because my stupid phone doesn't like her stupid phone and we don't live all that close to me. Tonight she finally was able to get through and we talked for a while. Cool shit! Haven't heard from Holly in a while. I wanted her to be the one to call me as she has more of a life than I, but I will probably be calling her in the next couple days.
The phone at the house being screwed up actually will play to my advantage. I've been wanting to disappear from a few people lately. Mostly those who I once called friend who stabbed me in the back numerous times and those who are no longer worthy of my friendship because they stupidly believe lies without asking me first about them. Instead, they instantly believe these others and now I have a reputation as a total asshole and liar. This will end one way or another and quite frankly I will demonstrate just how much of an asshole I can be if certain people don't learn to leave me the $%&*()*&%^$&*()&%$# alone!
Thus, my home number will be changing, I will not answer my cell if I don't recognize the number so if you are one of those numbers, leave a message and I might call you back. Otherwise, take the hint. One person that I know will read this: I am going to kick your mfing ass if I ever see you again. You betrayed me and three of your best friends in a most evil way and while I can forgive you, I will see that retribution is exacted if I see you again. You will know fear in a most intimate way I assure you and while I've maid idle threats in the past you had better understand that this is a different story alltogether. And thus I disappear. If you want to be on the list of people who see further posts, comment to this with a definite yes or no...no "good idea" or "that may not be the answer"...simple add me or don't worry about it.