I changed my layout; It's a Christmas one now. Thanks to
shesaiddestroy @
whoafreelayouts for it. :] I'm so happy that Christmas is near! I just need to get my list in order.
Today I'm off from school because of "female problems." I had a dentist appointment today, but my mom changed it to next week. Tomorrow I have an optometry appointment, which I'm happy for. It seems like every time I read or get on the computer, my eyes get worse & worse. Hopefully I'll find some frames that I actually like this time, too.
The past week has been a blur. HIM, Thanksgiving, shopping, watching movies, and hanging out with Travis have all meshed into one day it seems like. & Our 5-day break from school has screwed up my sleeping pattern.
I have an essay on the Kosovo genocide due tomorrow & I've barely started. This Saturday is my SAT's & afterwords my mom and I are going to go cut down our Christmas tree. & I've been listening to HIM for the past 3 hours straight. Obsessed? Maybe.
Our "bakers dozen" (13-month) anniversary is tomorrow! :] & I really like the Marker Felt font that I'm using now for AIM. It's Sa-weet. :P