Being sick the other week and not being able to do anything but just rest and relax, I had a lot of time to do a whole bunch of nothing. But I actually did get a lot accomplished....just nothing groundbreaking! I caught up on all my shows on Demand (and I was behind on quite a few of them!) I even started watching a new show, Fargo (and I had recently seen the movie a few months ago), but since I don't get FX, I told my parents I would come back in June and watch the remaining last four episodes of the season.
I had just finished re-watching the first three seasons of Arrested Development so I could watch the new season on Netflix (and I realize I'm a year late to the party). I was a big fan of that show when it originally aired and was disappointed when it went off the air. But I was kinda disappointed with the new season. It is possible that I got Bluth fatigue because I did watch all four seasons within a couple weeks (the first three seasons, since I had already seen them, I really whipped through), so maybe it would have been better if I had paced them more. I thought season four was very clever in how they plotted it gets a little confusing because storylines are weaved in and out and you'll see something happen in one episode and not think anything of it, then in another episode, it will be explained. Each episode revolved around one of the character, so not all the actors were in all the episodes (which makes sense since some of them already had schedules with other projects). George Michael is in the first episode, but then doesn't show up until the last four epiodes; Lindsay and Tobias don't show up until the third episode, etc. So while it was very clever and well done, it just wasn't funny and I was kinda bored and confused with the plot lines. I don't think I laughed that much at anything.
When I wasn't watching TV or reading magazines, I was working on solving puzzles and quizzes. I've become obsessed with these little puzzle books called Pocket Posh that each have 100 puzzles. I bought a few at Barnes and Noble where they have a whole shelf of different puzzles. I first bought these a year ago when I was going on a road trip to South Carolina and needed something to keep me busy in the car. Some of the puzzle books have a variety of puzzles (my favorite) and others are dedicated to just one puzzle type. They have a bunch of sudoku only puzzle books, but I don't own any of those. I haven't played sudoku in years! Two of the variety puzzle books I own have different themes. One (which I mostly did when I was in SC) has an Irish theme and another has a cat theme. In these books, there are word searches, cross word puzzles, code word (I'll explain later), Kriss Kross (where you have to fit different words (and sometimes it's numbers!) into a puzzle), math problems (I usually skip those if they look too complicated!), just about anything you can think of. I bought a few puzzles books that only have one type of puzzle. My favorite puzzle is code word and I bought one with just that. It's like a crossword, but there are no clues. Instead, each letter corresponds with a number and you have to figure that out. They usually start you out with three letters and then it's up to you to go from there. The one thing I don't like about the code word puzzle book is that they don't have a phrase or sentence you have to figure out (kind of like hangman). They have it in the cat quiz book and it's very helpful because sometimes you can figure out if there's an "s" because there's an apostrophe or if there's a single box you can assume it's an "A" or an "I". Having that helps out a lot! Plus it's fun to solve the hangman puzzle! Speaking of hangman, I have a quiz book that's all hangman. All the letters are covered with a silver coating you have to scratch off. I have two books dedicated to anagrams....I'm not the best at anagrams unless it's a four or five letter word, lol! I have another that's all crossword and looking at it I'm a little worried I may have trouble with that. (Luckily all the answers are in the back!) I really suck at crosswords unless it's the one from People magazine which is the easiest crossword puzzle in the world. Another one I really like is the logic puzzle book where they give you a bunch of clues and you have to figure out, for instance, what toy belongs to which child and what they named their toy. For the longest time, I could never get these, but I did some while I was sick and actually got a few right!