
Mar 05, 2009 21:49

I can't get excited about the American Idol's chosen ones. There are a few I like, but I think a lot of more talented singers were past up. Maybe I'll change my mind when I get to "know" them better. Anyway,

Ooh, so there's now a top 13 :::rolls eyes:::

1. Adam Lambert - This is the goth theater student guy. I like him. He adds something different to the show and he does put on quite the show with whatever he chooses. However, he lost MAJOR points when he admitted he liked the Twilight books after Randy compared him to Robert Pattinson (the hell)? I hope he just said that to get votes from the tweeny girls.

2. Alexis Grace - :::yawn::: I guess I need to see/hear more of her before I form an opinion, but honestly I think she was lucky she was one of the better ones in a group that overall pretty much sucked.

3. Alison Iraheta - This girl killed Alone by Heart and she has a set of pipes on her, but my God! Her personality is at a zero! When Ryan interviewed her before she sang it was just so awkward and cringe-worthy that I really hope she only opens her mouth to sing.

4. Anoop Desai - We all knew Anoop would get in. He's cute, he has charisma, he has a fun name, and he's one of the most popular contestants. Right now I do like him, but I have a feeling he's going to be The Chosen One. I called it, you're reading it right here.

5. Danny Gokey - Don't get me wrong, I'm truly sorry for the loss of his wife (which must not have been long ago since he's only 28 years old), but I really wish the show would stop expoiting it. When he sang Hero (and can he please stop singing the smaltzy ballads?) I rolled my eyes when someone in the audience held up a photo of his deceased wife. Please, let's not go there, show. Let's leave all the sob stories at home. This guy is a hit or miss for me. Good voice, but seems a little too self-righteous.

6. Jasmine Murray - Pretty girl, decent voice, but not great. She still needs to grow on me. However, I am happy she got through if only for I felt sorry for her in Hollywood Group Week when she had that awful group which included "Bikini Girl".

7. Jorge Nunez - So I thought his spot should have gone to Ju'Not Joyner who was much better. I think they wanted to have at least one Puerto Rican contestant in the bunch so they fawned all over him to ensure his votes. I don't get the gushing over him, but hell, if it means no Tatiana then THANK YOU GOD!!! I fucking hated that fake bitch.

8. Kris Allen - Um, who is he again?

9. Lil Rounds - I like her. She can sing and has a personality. Though I fear the way the judges kept slobbering over her, she could get a pretty big ego.

10. Matt Giraud - He reminds me of a smug Justin Timberlake.

11. Megan Joy Corkney - UGH! I hate this girl! Her voice sounds like she has marbles in her mouth, she does this weird marionette hand movement with her arms when she's singing, and that tattoo on her arm is so friggin' ugly. Girl, you are not Kat Von D.

12. Michael Sarver - Again, like Alexis, he was just lucky he was one of the better ones in a group that sucked.

13. Scott MacIntyre - This is the blind guy. I think he has a nice voice, though would he still have gotten through if he wasn't blind? Maybe, but maybe not. We all know AI loves a good sob story. I think his blindness works for and against him. For: he can't see anybody, so he can just concentrate on the song. Against: he can't connect with the audience. Although, I do have to say it's going to be a little awkward to put him in those group sings if he can't move around too much. Also, are the judges really going to be mean to him when they don't like his singing? It would seem a little cruel to put down the blind guy. This could be interesting.

Now if I ruled the universe and got to choose the top 12 (yes, I would go back to 12), this is who I would pick:

They can all stay:
1. Adam
2. Anoop
3. Jasmine
4. Lil
5. Scott (as long as they nix the group performances)
6. Alison (as long as she sings and doesn't talk)

And I would love to see:
7. Felicia Barton - I thought she killed on No One. I don't understand why they cut her in Hollywood only to bring her back, what's the story with that? But girl should have gone through.

8. Jesse Langseth - So I may be biased because she's a redhead and sang one of my favorite songs, but I do like her voice and she has a lot more personality than many of the top 13 combined.

9. Ju'Not Joyner - He's got a great quality to his voice and was robbed of a wildcard position, though I have to wonder if they didn't bring him back because of his astmah issues. Too bad.

10. Nathaniel Marshall - This guy sucked, but I would only bring him for the crazy dramatics he would bring. He's a hellava lot more entertaining than Tatiana any day!

11. Nick Mitchell - Dude, I don't care if he's not the world's greatest singers. Him singing And I Am Not Telling You was one of the funniest things I've seen on that show, so hell he has my vote.

Okay, I lied...let's just make it a top 11.

american idol

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