Feb 02, 2005 18:46
well, since i posted about looking for a job, i should probably update about the job. so far it is great. i like the people i work with... it isn't too pretentious or trendy or silly... just a nice cafe with good food... nice relaxing classical tunes all day... and i have now become the official 20something american college grad - i am a barista. ; )
the owner is seriously a bit flakey... but i like her. apparently, she already trusts me - as seen by her leaving me to tend the cafe alone with the dishwasher and cook in the afternoon for an hour... (my second day of work!) and then "allowed" me to open the cafe all by myself this morning! (or was just really late in getting there... ha.) and today she asked me to help train another new person! ha. training others on the third day! anyone else do that? silly. anyways, i am confident in my cafe skills *thanks to the pie-tron extrordinaire over at park cafe* and happy to do this work... i just don't want to get a training wage for opening a cafe by myself and training other people! so i might have to talk to her about that. i am practicing my spanish a lot with other coworkers... and i love that... i wanted to improve my spanish when i moved back to the u.s. and now i am! also, nothing can beat fresh squeezed orange juice and scones fresh from the oven in the morning... thats a nice bonus.
the new schedule is difficult to get used to... i am so tired in the afternoons i haven't been able to do anything fun with my 2 1/2 hours of daylight when i get home... i have been meaning to do some work in our garden and go running... but man, i am NOT used to standing up for 8 hours... i am fine all day while i am there... but i just drop when i get home.
tomorrow i am starting my class... i am really looking forward to it... i even bought a new notebook and a new folder! i am going to put them in my backpack with an apple for my teacher! ha. i haven't felt giddy about a first class since maybe 3rd grade... i mean i was always a bit freaked out... or just not ready to be going back to school every time before... and i know it definitely helps that i am only taking one class... totally manageable.
i still need to finish my application for the masters program for the fall... i have just been assuming i will get in... but maybe i should be taking the application more seriously... i keep pushing it aside. now that i have a lot of my stuff in order here... i should get going on that!