IM still amazed at your retardedness

Jan 23, 2005 14:25

Fernest8596: sha'll we have a delightful movie night tonight sir?
xtornbyangelsx: ummm where at my good man?
xtornbyangelsx: i would like to enjoy a brisk game of futbol and then i have no plans what so ever
Fernest8596: i would be a great honor if you would host this delightful event
xtornbyangelsx: hmm.......
xtornbyangelsx: well, chief
xtornbyangelsx: i would have to conult with my living accomodees
Fernest8596: i can send a telegrap to the beetches to invite them in this evening of pictographs
xtornbyangelsx: and see if shall be in their good graces
xtornbyangelsx: sounds delightful
Fernest8596: chip chip
xtornbyangelsx: allow me to bring the news to the owner of the house
Fernest8596: very well
Fernest8596: i will be in my horseless carriage running some errands. you sha'll call me at my interspeed telecuminication device..if word gets out
xtornbyangelsx: i come with news my good man
xtornbyangelsx: i have spoken to the owner of the house
xtornbyangelsx: and she is pondering the idea as she speaks on her interspeed telecommunication device
xtornbyangelsx: i shall come with good news in a bit
xtornbyangelsx: i mean
Fernest8596: chuckle chuckle.
xtornbyangelsx: how rude of me
Fernest8596: delightful news
xtornbyangelsx: in a smidget
Fernest8596: sha'll i make some arrangements with the local downey women of the night then?
xtornbyangelsx: sir
xtornbyangelsx: i come with very sorrowful news...the arrangement of a film evening at my abode has been declined.....i am saddened at this account and apologize on my behalf....but i would love to accompany you in a film evening if there are arrangements to have it at another undisclosed location....
Fernest8596: very well sir. i sha'll send word to the local jester. i belive they call him "elias"
xtornbyangelsx: i would like to propose that you save this converstion for future reference to send news of our intellectualness
Fernest8596: yes yes but of course. i sha'll have it scribed ont he towns' tablets of hope. so the world will know of this glorious day where 2 cerritos educated dunces havet the capablilties to speak very well. even for their own accord
xtornbyangelsx: very well...bring the news to the local jester and send word to me of the news
xtornbyangelsx: this verbal account with you has been splendid and i only wish that another may occur soon....i leave you with good will and appreciation as i am to leave at te very minute to play a lovely game of futbol
Fernest8596: good sir. it has been my pleasure...nay HONOR. to have attended this delight speaking terms with a man such as yourself
Fernest8596: carry on. chip chip!
xtornbyangelsx: till the morrow my good man
Fernest8596: your cousins on eric's sn?
xtornbyangelsx: my duke of preaches is present in my humble abode
xtornbyangelsx: but thank you for your ever so great concern
Fernest8596: LMAO!...oh but of course... how can we live with out the great friair afri
xtornbyangelsx: lovely
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