My Love is a Souvenir Act 1: Ibiza Chapter: 9

Sep 19, 2010 23:49

Title: My Love is a Souvenir
Act 1: Ibiza  Chapter: 9/9

Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
Authors: fernedakki
Pairing: Daniel Agger/Fernando Torres
Rating: NC-17 (This part)
Genre: AU/Romance
Word Count: 1,654 Words

Disclaimer: This is a boys’ love fiction (a.k.a yaoi), if this is not your affinity, please feel free to leave it alone. This fiction has nothing to do with the real Fernando Torres, Daniel Agger and other people mentioned, though you are free to visualize their pretty faces, nice asses and other parts of their bodies in your(our) wild fantasies, as long as it do no harm to your neighbors.

A/N: This is the last chapter for the first act, and yes there's absolutely the second act continued. Stay tuned you guys ;)

"Morning, sweetheart."

Fernando smiled at the tenderness in that voice and nestled up deeper without opening his eyes. The bed was just too soft to get up and strong arms which were tugging him closer were too warm to be true.

"Morning," Fernando murmured against the Dane's chest, feeling a wet kiss on his forehead and smiling wider.

"Hungry?" Daniel mumbled against the Spaniard’s blond hairline.

"Umm, what do you wanna have for breakfast?" Fernando asked, still closing his lids. He heard Daniel snicker.

"You," he answered frankly and the blonde couldn't help his cheeks from blushing. Fully awake now, he opened his eyes and hit the other boy's tattooed shoulder hard.

"Daniel!" He cried. The Dane laughed.

"Why? That's an honest answer!"

"Dan, we can't just have sex all the time on this boat!" Fernando yelled good-humoredly.

"Why not?" Daniel asked. And the blonde lay still, contemplating a suitable answer which he couldn't find.

"Err, I don't know," he yielded and Daniel guffawed. He rolled on top of the Spaniard and kissed him affectionately. Their morning erections pressed against one another demandingly and when Daniel broke away, he saw a glint of lust in Fernando's sparkling brown eyes. "Okay, then. If you ask for it, we can have sex for breakfast," he whispered coyly. The Dane smirked triumphantly and glided his lips from the corner of the blonde's mouth down along the jaw line to his throat and much further.

Fernando held his breath when Daniel reached the lower part and licked his erection hungrily. Then the Spaniard almost jolted out of bed when Daniel lifted his legs up and slid his tongue down to gingerly brush his entrance.

"D-Dan!" Fernando gasped breathlessly. Daniel resisted the blonde’s objection by jerking attempting uselessly to get away from his tongue. The Dane held him still by the legs and pushed his slick tongue further inside the hole.

If he thought he’d ever heard the loudest scream from Fernando, he's so damn wrong. This one won them all. And like the Spaniard's voice was an incentive, Daniel punched his tongue in harder, sucked that twitching pink flesh hungrier. And Fernando just screamed like he’s having the most torturous moment of his life, like he would come any minute soon without Daniel actually within him. "Dan-no-stop-I can't-ah!" He couldn't even put words together. He writhed so severely like someone had attached to him a smoldering bar of steel. Daniel's cock was so hard now and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it long. He glanced around, looking for...

"Where is the lube?" He asked finally.

"Somewhere on the floor, you son of a bitch!" Fernando huffed and Daniel half-heartedly left the blonde's crotch to look for the lube. The Spaniard lay panting helplessly. He still couldn't catch his breaths when Daniel returned, hovering over him.

"Flip," the Dane ordered. Fernando gritted his teeth but turned over to lie on his stomach nonetheless. He heard the telltale sound of the uncapping so he hid his face in the pillow. Daniel's hands parted his legs wide apart and when the lube-coated cock thrust into him unceremoniously, Fernando had been already waiting for it.


They slept a couple of hours more then their grumbling empty stomachs woke them up demanding to be fulfilled with real breakfast - brunch, actually. They had toasts and bacon, then they tried to do fishing which was kind of unsuccessful.

"Why did I get only this thing?" Fernando pouted, holding a very tiny fish by its tail. The Dane snickered then pecked the blonde on the lips as a consolation.

"You’re too gorgeous to do this kind of thing," he said. Fernando pouted even more.

"That’s not an excuse!"

"That’s a reasonable explanation, you know?" Daniel pulled him to sit in his lap. "Because sexy people were born to serve mankind with one thing and one thing only."

Fernando rolled his eyes in disbelief. "Mankind?! Seriously?!"

"I'm sure everybody would love to have a piece of hot stuff like you." Daniel grazed his teeth along Fernando's nape down to his spine, sending spasm run through the blond boy’s body. "But right now you’re only mine." Then he sucked the back of the blonde's neck hard, leaving a purplish mark on his skin while grabbing Fernando's lower region through his shorts. Gasping in surprise, the Spaniard budged in the Dane's lap while his flesh got hardened from the touch.

"Stay still, will you?" Daniel hissed against Fernando's nape and the blonde reluctantly stopped being restless. Resting the back of his head on Daniel's shoulder, he closed his eyes, letting the Dane do whatever he wanted.

Frictions of rough fabric on his cock made him sporadically knee-jerk. Fernando moaned as Daniel smoothly slithered his hand under the cover and held the Spaniard’s cock firm in hand. The blonde fucked Daniel's hand as the other deliberately dawdled with it. Daniel grinned and licked the side of Fernando's throat, dragged his rough tongue down his shoulder and teasingly buried his teeth into the flesh there.

"Oh, God, Dan!" Fernando's body was moving of its own accord now, his bounce on the Dane's lap sent his buttock hit Daniel's restrained bulge under his shorts unintentionally - or maybe intentionally. The Dane squeezed his hand on purpose and Fernando shrieked tormentedly.

Daniel slid his other hand under the shorts from behind and almost made Fernando jolt when his finger pressed the pucker of his entrance. Fernando nearly beseeched as crying out shamelessly, "Dan, get inside me. Please fuck me now!"

And who was Daniel to oppose this gorgeous boy's entreaty? He yanked Fernando's shorts down far enough to reveal the flawless shape of his ass but didn't heed stripping them through. Fishing for lube which he intentionally put away in his pocket, his other hand also pulled his shorts down enough to free his erection from the choking confinement of cloth. He scrupulously sheathed his cock with the slick liquid then thrust into the boy in that sitting position.

Fernando groaned and arched until the back of his head rested on Daniel's shoulder. The Dane nibbled the soft skin as the Spaniard panted heavily and bounced on him. Daniel thrust his hips up in return intermittently but mostly he just sat still, savoring every stroke of sensation until reaching the point of uncontrollable self. He bit his lip, held Fernando by his hips and pounded into him senselessly. The blonde’s muscle around his cock clenched and twitched it almost drove Daniel out of his mind. He gritted his teeth but still heard himself whimper, "Fernando, oh, God, Fernando!" in the blonde's ear innumerable times before trying to muffle his voice by pressing his face against the Spaniard's shoulder. Until at last, despite so many times he had already come within twenty-four hours, Daniel exploded inside the boy.

Fernando collapsed on his back to the Dane's chest, his own seeds daubed his flat stomach and dripped down on his crotch. He closed his lids struggling to steady his breaths. When finally stopped panting dangerously, the blonde murmured exhaustedly,

"Can we please stop doing this at least during the next five hours? I think I’m getting utterly limp now."

Daniel laughed wearily. "Why five hours? That's too much," he joked. Fernando shifted on his spot with Daniel's cock still inside him. He rested his cheek on the Dane's shoulder.

"Four hours then," he murmured indulgently, eyes closed. Daniel guffawed before placing a kiss on the boy's lips amorously.


Afternoon came, Daniel and Fernando lazed around on the deck for a couple of hours then they had sex. They jumped off the yacht, swam around the island and when they lay soaking up the sun on the white beach, they fucked. They climbed back on the boat, made dinner out of what they got from fishing that morning, and after that Daniel pinned Fernando to bed and made the Spaniard his over and over again.

When Daniel woke up the next morning, everything that happened during the past two days was almost like a fantasy wet dream. They had breakfast in silence and Fernando drove the yacht back to the main island. It was the most suffering two hours of Daniel's life, knowing that when they arrived at the destination, real lives would hit them and things would resume their normal phase, which meant he’d have to go back to Copenhagen and Fernando would depart to London: a 600-mile discrepancy between the Spaniard and him.

For Daniel, it’s almost like they’re at the other ends of the world.

Normally Daniel didn't care much about relationships. In the past, he would just bid his overnight partners a kiss goodbye before grabbing his bag and walking away, never looking back. Being a freelance photographer, he traveled quite a lot. And Daniel knew it’s almost impossible to sustain a relationship of two people living in different countries, especially when you’re too young to think about settling down. But, for Christ's sake, why is he thinking about it now?!

Fernando moored the boat to the marina, he was very quiet, too. Daniel locked his eyes to the Spaniard’s back. He usually thought about this kind of good times as an exclusive souvenir from everywhere he'd been. How could this one differ from others?

Yet he wanted it to be different this time.

The Dane walked towards Fernando and stopped just behind him. "Can I call you later?"

His voice was so dry it shocked him. He swallowed a lump down his throat, waiting for Fernando's answer nervously. He even felt a lone butterfly flutter in his stomach.

"Sure." The blonde turned around and smiled sincerely at him. Their eyes locked for a long throttling moment before Daniel leaned over to kiss him on the lips.

It was a beautiful heart-wrenching kiss without a trace of lust, and that just freaked Daniel out even more.

To be continued in Act 2 Chapter 1.

Feedbacks! ^^


series: my love is a souvenir, au, fic, daniel agger/fernando torres

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