My Love is a Souvenir Act 7: Scandinavia Chapter 5

Feb 11, 2011 21:38

Title: My Love is a Souvenir
Act 7: Scandinavia  Chapter: 5/5

Previous Chapters:
Act 1: Ibiza 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 [END]
Act 2: Paris 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 3: Prague 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 [END]
Act 4: London 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 5: French Riviera 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 [END]
Act 6: Greek Islands 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 [END]
Act 7: Scandinavia 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Authors: fernedakki
Pairing: Daniel Agger / Fernando Torres
Rating: PG-13 (This part)
Genre: AU/Romance
Word Count: 1,359 Words

Disclaimer: Lies!

A/N: We're reaching the end of this series finally. Sorry to make it this long btw; it's such my penchant writing a very-freaking-long fic. ^^

"I know."

Daniel's voice was nonchalant. He's looking the Spaniard in the eyes, like to affirm him of his full consciousness. He knew exactly what he just asked and what it could imply. He knew truly that it wasn't so different to a question of ‘Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?’, or simply as 'Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?'.

Despite his equanimity in appearance, his heart was now racing like it had actually gone insane and butterflies in his stomach were fluttering restlessly again.

Fernando's looking back at him, and his eyes wavered. He pulled his gaze away and now was staring blankly at the Saint Bernard. He looked like he's contemplating, but at the same time looked like his brain was just frozen, too.

"I-I don't know, Daniel," he murmured uncertainly at last.

And with that, Daniel felt like he had just been kicked over to an empty space beyond a precipice and was now falling to the abyss down below at a very dangerous velocity. "Dan, I mean...," Fernando realized what he’d just said and now was shifting nervously. "I didn't mean that I don't want with you. It's just's so sudden and I...I think I need more time to think about it," he blurted out, cheeks flushed red and felt so ashamed.

Daniel slowly exhaled.

"It's okay," he murmured. "Just...take your time."


Fernando was quiet all afternoon. Daniel wished he's mulling over the ‘proposal’, but he actually didn't know what Fernando was thinking, maybe about Sergio, despite the Spaniard's word that they’d already broken up, which he wasn’t even sure whether it’s truth or lie. The thought prickled Daniel to the bottom of his heart. Sergio and Fernando had been together for a fucking long time, even if they actually broke up, it's possible that they still kept in touch. And if that's what it was, maybe that's what deterred the Spaniard from leaving London.

Oh, for Christ's sake, Agger! Daniel gritted his teeth. Stop being a paranoid pussy!

"What about my job?" Fernando asked all of a sudden. He's lying on Daniel's bed while the Dane unpacked silently.

"Quit it," he answered resolutely. The blonde was silent yet again.

"And what about your family?" He blurted out ten minutes later, still lying and staring at the ceiling.

"Fernando, I'm twenty-nine." Daniel sighed and Fernando didn't reply anything once again.

Daniel's sister came that evening to check whether yet her brother had been back. They ordered dinner from a restaurant down the building and had it together. Her name was Stephanie, and after a-while chat, she and Fernando seemed to get along really well. The girl was talkative and conversations at the table went with Fernando mostly answering questions which were incessantly pelted at him: about their Norwegian coastal voyage trip, his life in London, his hometown Madrid, and everything else. The atmosphere was cozy yet Daniel didn't know why he felt like he's empty, both literally and figuratively because he didn't have any appetite at all.

After dinner, Stephanie bid them goodbye and they turned back to silent mode. Fernando still didn't talk to him and Daniel's stressful now. Sitting in the couch in the living room, the Spaniard browsed through channels on the telly without actually watching them. After a while, putting the remote control down, he looked so pensive as snatching his BlackBerry mobile from the table. He called someone, maybe Sergio (in the worst case) and chatted in Spanish which Daniel could comprehend only 'hola' and ‘gracias'.

What the fuck is this shit?! He needs distractions right fucking now!

"I'll go swimming." He sprang up and strode towards his bedroom, raked the wardrobe for board shorts then stormed out of the apartment disturbedly.

A swimming pool was on the rooftop, outdoor. There's no one around and that's what Daniel desperately wanted at this minute. The water was dark and lights were dim under Copenhagen's night sky. Daniel roughly changed in the restroom then plunged into the water.

The chlorinated water was warm but he still felt that it's so cold. The Dane swam from one side to the other, back and forth, round after round. He counted at first but slowly lost track of it. He felt exhausted from the ceaseless exercise but ignored the feeling and kept on. And for Christ's sake, how come after all this pushing, Fernando's face still pestered his mind?!

Perceptible movements from the direction of the entrance to the pool disturbed the stillness of lights and shadows. Daniel spun around, someone had just stepped into his whimsical night's privacy, and found his heart hammering like it's about to jump out of his chest, maybe because of exertion, but also maybe because Fernando's there.

The Spaniard ambled towards the pool. Despite dim lights, Daniel could discern the blonde’s features so clearly. Their eyes locked, a bit defiantly. Reaching the edge of the pool, he stopped to take his shirt off then threw it carelessly on the floor. Daniel only caught a glimpse of the Spaniard in board shorts - Daniel's board shorts, Fernando must have snatched them from his wardrobe - before he plunged into the pool.

Instantly, Daniel dove, swam to the blonde under the water. When they reached each other, Fernando grabbed the Dane's face with both hands and crushed those sweetest lips on his.

Daniel's mind was white blank as he kissed him back. They were pushed towards the surface now yet still interminably and hungrily kissing each other. When they finally broke apart, it's almost a good full two minutes later, Fernando's arms clung to the Dane's shoulder, legs also hooked around the other's waist. Daniel panted while Fernando patched his forehead to the Dane's, gasping for air, too.

"I've never been to Italy," the Spaniard murmured, the tip of his nose brushed against Daniel's.

"You'll love it. The food is superb. And they have gelato, I know you love ice-cream," the Dane muttered back, arms draped around the Spaniard's torso.

"I can't speak Italian, too," the blonde mumbled, nose gliding the Dane's cheek.

"I don't think it's that different from Spanish." Daniel snickered while brushing Fernando’s dripping blond hair off his forehead. "I'm always confused between both." And Fernando giggled, too.

"We've never actually lived together for more than twenty days." His lips paused at the corner of Daniel's mouth. "Maybe you'll not be able to tolerate me if we have to see each other 365 days a year." And Daniel laughed.

"You know I'd trade everything to tolerate you every single day for the rest of my life." He rubbed the Spaniard's hips fondly. "How about you? Will you be able to tolerate me?"

Fernando's silent for a minute and that almost made Daniel's heart stop beating. And when he answered "I don't know," whisperingly, it immediately sent the Dane collapse with disillusionment. But then Fernando snickered, pressing his own body flat against the other's. "That's why I've got a deal for you," he whispered against Daniel's mouth as their lips brushed again, and Daniel's so relieved realizing that Fernando was only teasing. "You'll move to London to live with me for...let's say six months. And if we're still good after that...," he giggled good-humoredly, "We can go on with your plan."

Daniel's heart actually raced like crazy now. "I also have one more condition," the Spaniard continued. "If we could actually get past those six months, I'll be the one who chooses the house, and it has to be in Campania."

Daniel laughed euphorically. "I thought you've never been to Italy."

Fernando shrugged. "I just heard that it's nice over there.” He breathed in deeply. “Maybe Sorrento, yeah?"

The Dane guffawed again. "Okay."

Smiling sweetly, the blonde mumbled while leaning in until their lips touched. "So, deal?"

Daniel chuckled, he thought he'd never been this elated before in his life. So he kissed the Spaniard fully on the lips while murmuring in supreme ecstasy,


To be continued in Epilogue [END].

...Well, of course i'm not gonna end the whole story like this!   ;P   We've one more chapter left, the real last one; Epilogue! So see you when I update next time. ^^


series: my love is a souvenir, au, fic, daniel agger/fernando torres

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