My Love is a Souvenir Act 7: Scandinavia Chapter 2

Feb 06, 2011 01:18

Title: My Love is a Souvenir
Act 7: Scandinavia  Chapter: 2/?

Previous Chapters:
Act 1: Ibiza 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 [END]
Act 2: Paris 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 3: Prague 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 [END]
Act 4: London 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 5: French Riviera 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 [END]
Act 6: Greek Islands 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 [END]
Act 7: Scandinavia 1

Authors: fernedakki
Pairing: Daniel Agger / Fernando Torres
Rating: PG-13 (This part)
Genre: AU/Romance
Word Count: 1,234 Words

Disclaimer: Lies!

A/N: Okay, they're not so many chapters to go, guys. ^^

It’s the fourth day of their nine-day Norwegian coastal voyage trip, setting off from Kirkenes, Norway. The route would take them from Kirkenes up to the world’s northernmost town, Hammerfest, and then down to Oslo, exploring Norwegian rugged coastline along the way. They would live most of their journey on the ship, except for some nights which would be spent at charming tiny fisherman villages or endearing small towns along the shoreline.

Now they're approximately outside the shore of Steigen, which was a part of Salten traditional region. It's almost midnight and the weather was minus 20 degrees Celsius but everybody was out on the deck, staring astonishingly at the cloudless arctic night sky.

Northern lights were illuminating in fantastic luminous green with the tinge of blue and pink pigments, dancing spellbindingly to the beholders' eyes in the vacancy of space above the Baltic Sea.

"I…,” Fernando clutched the railing, staring at the breathtaking spectacle hypnotizedly. “…don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as this before," he whispered like confiding some secrets in the arctic wind. Daniel who’s standing behind him snickered.

"I've seen one."

"Hmm? What's it?" Fernando turned around curiously.

Daniel chuckled as nuzzling up against the Spaniard's cheek. "Would it be so lame if I said it was 'you'?"

Fernando's smirk answered it. "Much!" Shouting good-humoredly, he hit Daniel on the arm as a penalty to the cheesiness. The Dane laughed then shifted to photograph the sky. The blonde hugged him from behind. "Why do you love taking photos?" His chin’s on the Dane's shoulder.

"I love capturing moments," Daniel replied as busily taking shots of the scintillating mythical Northern lights. "Haven't you heard, 'Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.'?"

Fernando guffawed. "Can I add one more line to that?"

Daniel chuckled. "What is it, baby?"

"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time, and treasure nothing but Fernando Torres. Because, honey, ‘my love...," he snickered, feeling abashed to say the cheeky cheesy line out loud, too, but still, " your souvenir’.


They stopped by Bodø, located just north of the Arctic Circle of which was the second largest city in North Norway behind Tromsø, on the next day. The schedule was to stretch legs on the land after more than 24 hours abroad the ship since the last time they anchored.

It was a sunny afternoon despite chilly weather. They ambled from the port to city centre, taking photographs and shopping along the way. Fernando’s and Daniel’s hands were glued together, the Spaniard dragged the other along a pedestrian walk, stopping here and there to point through shops’ window, commenting on things and giggling happily. They ran across Nicklas and Robin from whom they’d separated since disembarking the ship at a street corner, so they sauntered around the town together after that. When they got back to their cabin after at-will dinner in town, Fernando started,

"Dan, do you want to do facial masking?"

"What?!" Daniel was dumbstruck, his hand stopped mid-way to the cloth rack where his towel was hung.

"Facial masking." Fernando fumbled in a paper bag for something he bought from the town. "It is mud from…somewhere around here, local manufacture. They said that it's a bestseller in the region. Let's try on your face whether it’s nice."

"Any reason why my face, exactly?!" Daniel was still dumbfounded when the Spaniard dragged him to the bathroom, snatching a towel with him.

"Because your skin looks like enrichment would be nice." Fernando grinned. They stood at the basin and he turned on the tap. "Wash your face, honey," he ordered.

Despite his reluctance, Daniel didn't disobey. After the cleansing, Fernando pulled him to their bed, sat him down before dragging a small chair from somewhere and placing it in front of the Dane. He unscrewed the jar lid of that suspicious mud.

"Close your eyes," he whispered.

Daniel did.

He felt a very-cold sensation on his skin and almost jerked. Fernando snickered, told him to stay still and do not open his eyes. Daniel tried to sit stone-still and the Spaniard seemed so enjoyed.

"I've never tried this thing before, but Robin said it would freshen and revitalize your skin," he chatted while applying the dark-brown clay on Daniel's face.

"You've never tried this?!" Daniel yelled, he thought he completely understood guinea pig’s feeling now.

"Shh! Don't speak! Don't move any muscle of your face," Fernando ordered. "You'll need to stay very still until the mask dry. We’ll leave it on your face for half an hour."

So Daniel sat in silence as best as he could. Fernando kept on blabbering about things: the shopping today, the cruise up until now as well as the next visiting sites.

"Daniel, I have something to tell you." Daniel could only hear that voice since he's closing his eyes.

"Spit it out," he murmured good-naturedly, trying to move the muscle around his mouth as least as possible. Although feeling a bit taut, the clays on his face granted him chilly sensation which somehow felt tickly good.

"I know this is real late and I’ve already hurt you so bad after all this time until you should just hate me already. But I’ll tell you anyway.” He breathed in deeply. “I...already broke up with Sergio."

Daniel instantaneously sprang his eyes open and this time Fernando didn't scold him. He kept on applying clays on the Dane's face.

"What?" The voice Daniel heard slip out of his mouth was so dry.

"It's true what you've just heard," the Spaniard replied softly, fingers gliding tenderly across Daniel's face.

"When?" Daniel felt like he could speak only one word at a time.

Is this real life? He mean, could this actually happen? Fernando. Broke up with Sergio?

Maybe he’s dreaming again.

"Last month," Fernando answered faintly.

Daniel felt his heart racing like crazy now. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened. I just broke up with him, ending our six-year relationship. You don’t need to know the details, though. We had a talk, and both agreed that we should just separate." The blonde finished with the facial masking and instantly stood up. "Okay, leave it like this for half an hour. I'll go wash my hand first." He's about to turn away.

“That’s it? Is it that simple?” But Daniel didn't let him. Grabbing Fernando's wrist, he pulled him back.

The Spaniard turned, giggling. “Yes, it’s that simple. Well, maybe not that simple. It was a long talk, and fight, though. But just trust me that it’s over," his voice trailed off, he looked so reluctant to talk about his ex to the Dane. “You look so funny under the clay," he intentionally changed the subject.

"It's your doing!" Daniel grunted. Though feeling like a clown, he now took no joke. "Why?" Daniel asked.

“I’d better go and wash my hand,” the Spaniard cut short.

“Why?” Daniel cut him off immediately, too, reiterated the question like it’s the most important thing in the world.

Fernando sighed but still teasing. "Why so serious?" Sitting back on the chair, he glided fingers across Daniel's lips where the skin was void of mud and leaned closer.

“Because he asked me the same question you’d asked me before, ‘who will you choose?’…,” the Spaniard whispered before kissing the Dane gently on the lips. "…And I told him I chose you."

To be continued in Act 7 Chapter 3.


series: my love is a souvenir, au, fic, daniel agger/fernando torres

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