Poached this from
hilde who poached it from
mischief5 .
Anyone who feels like it should post their ten most CRUCIAL CRUCIAL CRUCIAL-ASS films, like the films that explain everything about yourselves in your current incarnations (not necessarily your ten favorite movies but the ten movies that you, as a person existing currently, feel would help people get to know you) (they can change later on obviously).
Here is my list:
Top Ten Films
The Sting
Goodbye Berlin
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Como Agua Para Chocolate
House of Flying Daggers
Some Like it Hot
8 Women
Top Ten TV Series
Again, not necessarily your favorites but ones that speak to you as a person.
Dr Who (original)
Verano Azul
Dixon of Dock Green
North and South (based on Elizabeth Gaskell novel)
Pulseras Rojas
Criminal Minds
Thorn Birds