Aug 23, 2006 15:01
I've just completed my first day of classes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Today was History 128 - American History Since 1865, French 203 - Intermediate French, and Philosophy 160 - Introduction to Ethics.
College is out of control. I am intoxicated by happiness derived from: community; independence; diversity; late nights with the guys; southern belles; ROTC guys who don't suck and aren't whackos; Cheerwine; the Carolina sun; classes that are almost too legitimate, interesting, and challenging; wireless networks; the CCI which requires that all students have a laptop; teachers who respond to dumb students' remarks by saying, "Well, that's not the worst thing I've ever heard"; dorm life... Need I continue?
Shit, son. 4 years might not be enough.
In other news, my roommate is a conservative, christian, computer science or business major (call me if you want some fun anecdotes). Haha, and he's with me! The gay atheist liberal from Seattle who wants to kill your babies! God works in mysterious ways...