A decent update

Sep 17, 2007 19:03

About my previous post and my "life sucks" statement: that feeling comes and goes. Right now, it's gone. I'm hoping it will stay that way.

My parents are in France since Saturday and will stay there until Monday. All would be fine, if I didn't have a thirteen year old dog who is sick. And I'm not talking about her heart condition, 'cause that we have been able to keep under control. She's got an infection, or a parasite of some sort in her digestive system. She got better on Friday and got worse again on Saturday night. We took her to the vet again today and she got a shot. At this moment she seems much better and I hope she stays well through the night and continues so 'cause I'm scared and I hate seeing her ill.

I went to Bienal and bought three books: Sense and Sensibility (Jane Austen), Farmer Giles of Ham (Tolkien), Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (Susanna Clarke). That last one was 50% off! And while I'm talking about books, let me tell all of you who are thinking of buying me a birthday present: buy me books! I realized I'm 3 books behind in Princess' Diaries series alone! And Meg Cabot just keeps shooting out books, as if I didn't have ten thousand of other books to buy (yes, I love Meg Cabot, sue me).

Last but not least, take a look at my new layout! I changed the color scheme three times. The picture was taken at my trip to Passa Quatro (the Astronomy Society Annual Meeting), which I haven't said anything about since I got back. It was quite nice! Fun and educative ^^ And the town was lovely.

Send me love, I'm needy!

life, books, sab, dog, layout, lj

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