First of all, I'd like to wish
bianca_black a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May all your wishes come true, my dear Wormtail XD
As I said in my previous post, my Carnival totally rocked. I really enjoyed spending that much time with my boyfriend *blushes and runs away*. It was the first time I met my boyfriend's grandfather, first time I spent six days away from my parents (about freaking time, I know), first time out on the street in Carnival nights (so not my thing), first time I saw that many men lined up using a wall as a toilet (highly disgusting, by the way), first time seeing the Milky Way AND the Large Magellan Cloud AND star clusters (OMFG, I'm a whole new astronomer now!!!). Obviously the astronomical accomplishments were by far the best "firts". I always wanted to see those things!!! Stupid city lights here at home...