I've been tidying my room up this weekend (a daunting task - I now have a sore throat from dust inhailation!) and amongst the load of rubbish I cleared I found the old box with all my Scupley Pokemon models in. And since they're being moved up to the eaves cupboards where they'll probably never be seen again, I thought I'd take photos of them while I still knew where they were. There're also a few plastacine models as well... But they're now many many years old, so as you can imagine they've kind of... umm.... Well. They look a bit more disturbing than they did when I originally made them, let's leave it at that!
Let's start with the ones that worked out relatively successfully. I must've made these when I was.... I'm estimating between 10 and 12ish, hence the slight wonkiness in some of them XD I did try to get them as close to the original Pokemon images as possible.... I.... THINK I succeesed...?
Making my own toys worked quite well for the creatures themselves, but the human characters were another kettle of fish O_o
Oh, Jessie. Your face. Your poor poor face.
And for the purposes of getting 'close ups' while playing with these bad boys, I also created a range of props to go with them....
What you can see there are: Ash's hand, Brock's hand, Misty's hand, a Team Rocket hand, a Pikachu hand, 3 Pokeballs, a Pokeflute, a Potion, Water stone, Fire stone, Moon stone, Leaf stone, and open and closed Pokedexes. There were more, but they seemed too obscure even for this photo >.>
Next... These are the ones that were made out of plastacine, and therefore got a little bit twisted up and melty over the last 15 or so years. These might've actually been from before I got into Pokemon, so it's possible they might even be around 16-17 years old....
Evil Mouldy Gromit, Sombrero Maracca-Holding Duck and Weird Happy Green Twisty Dog Thing
Suspicious Malformed Ostrich, Derpy Dolphin and Bizarre Eegore Man
What I think used to be a dog, What Once was a Fox, Mummified Mickey Mouse, Gnasher with a smashed face
Dog with Horrible Heart Shaped Growth and Too-Polite-To-Mention-It Tiger.
And possibly the one that made me laugh the most:
Good Grief, Charlie Brown! You've murdered Snoopy!