Oct 20, 2010 10:41
Yep, I'm wearing purple today. Lots of it.
I don't remember their names- they don't deserve the honor. I do remember what was said to me, what was done to me, what misery I suffered on a daily basis from first grade right through to 12th grade, I remember the names and faces of the few who stood by me and stood up to the bullies. Among those fine, courageous, true friends I count my mother and my sister (who had plenty of her own bullies to stand up to) and my (few) girlfriends. And I remember my pony Prince who, while unconscious of things like school or bullies, was the best possible companion for me. In his company I left everything bad behind and was returned to the truth of not only my self but of the world. The strength I learned from him and his patience and love for me are still part of my life today and I will be forever grateful for his friendship. Someday I hope to have the money to retire some old school horse, keep some poor beast from the slaughter house in his name.
So, yes, wearing purple because what I endured was nothing compared to what some of my friends endured or what kids suffer with today. No one, NO ONE should have to go through this.