A Simple Bone Reading with The Divine Twins of Feri

Sep 25, 2012 18:36

A Simple Bone Reading with The Divine Twins of Feri

by Chas Bogan

The practice of casting bones for divination has grown in popularity (thanks largely to the work of cat yronwood's book "Throwning the Bones"). It is a highly personal way of divining the future, as everyone is free to choose whatever bones or other small curios hold meaning for them. I have a whole set that I have associated with Faery deities, spirits and ancestors, and am writing this to share a simple style of reading that requires only two objects, each representing one of the Divine Twins, for a question regarding which of two actions should be pursued.

I use the tibia bones of a crow, each of which represents one of the Divine Twins. But you could use something else, such as the two sides of a wishbone that have been cut, or common chicken legs. For sacred items I like to know that they were not hurt, and therefore my crow bones work best for me since I know it died naturally and not in a corporate slaughterhouse. However you use what you've got, and you are not even limited to bones. A pair of sticks may work even better for you. As a devotee of the Arddu I work best with bones, however someone more in tune with Mari and plant consciousness could get better results from sticks, or someone working with Krom could saw either end from a stang and use those, so you have options and are encouraged to be creative, to find that which resonated best with your energy.

You may be asking "Why can't I use stones, or a coin?" The answer is that you can, however two long bones or sticks will sometimes cross one another, and in this position they demote that your path is crossed and/or serve as a warning not to go forward with either course.

To differentiate the bones that I use I have painted a red line on one and a blue line on another to represent each twin, which I associate with the red serpent and blue dove.(1)
The process of throwing them is simple. Think of two alternatives, such as, "should I attend Harvard law school or join the Circus". Hold a bone in either hand. Let's say you hold the red bone in your left hand, then give it a squeeze and ask the Serpent Twin if you should attend Harvard, then focus on your right hand and ask the Dove Twin if you should join the circus. Then thrown the bones ahead on you. The one that is closest to you represents the path you ought to take. If it seems witchier for you to say an incantation for this, then try the following:

On this path rides the Serpent red

On this path rides the Dove of blue

Unless these two be crossed before me

the closest is the path that's true
Of course, these two bones could be used in a more advanced reading with the addition on other symbols, making your readings will be more nuanced.

1. For more about the Divine Twins as Red Serpent and Blue Dove read "The Divine Twins" section of The Divine Twins Wiki at http://www.feritradition.com/grimoire/deities/divine_twins.html

divination, divine twins, faery tradition, bone, feri

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