Jul 23, 2016 00:05
Ed found new Craft Beer....which is definitely NOT a good thing. He had 4 Mic Ultras (4.2% alcohol content), 2 Shock Top at 5.2% alcohol, 1 Oculto beer at 6% alcohol content, 2 Dragon Milk at a whopping 11% alcohol content, 1 Arrogant Bastard at 8.1% and finally a new beer that i've not seen called Mad Hatter at 7%.
I heard a crash in his bathroom and went running down....his eyes were so bad and he said he slipped....he actually was crawling up the stairs, down our short hallway into his bedroom....I took my phone and videotaped the conversation. Maybe if he sees himself in the morning, he'll agree that the Craft Beers are way too high in alcohol content for him to be drinking so many in one night and then....maybe not!
It's hard to be so upset so late at night with nobody to talk to...
It would be so much better for me for him to drink every night, having a couple of beers than to get to stinking, stoopid drunk on Friday nights!
Maybe I need to look into an Al-Anon meeting!