this is not my circus and not my monkeys

Jun 25, 2015 09:05

Why can I NOT do other people's work when I see it there?  We have two MA's on maternity leave, but actually have "bodies" to replace them. Two MA's have been here over a  year and yet, they cannot seem to get their filing done...the charts are knee-deep to a grasshopper. I just "filed" the paperwork in the actual charts, but now they are on their desktop and I'm feeling guilty since I don't have transcription to do until the doc comes in with the tape, so I SHOULD BE helping them. I hate, hate, hate, hate filing back those damn gets so hot between the stacks of charts and then I'm sweating like a cow!

They had a total of 30 hours of overtime on this paycheck and the office manager (so I've been told) about had a stroke...that's a lot of money!  Why can't they get their work done in a timely manner?  Organizational skills versus multitasking?

I've found charts from earlier in the month that needed action taken on them and there they sit..."waiting for records" ... I call the physician's office and they check...they NEVER received the request. That's why I don't like faxed documents. How can anybody be absolutely sure they arrived to the correct person?

AND...why do I care?  Not my circus, not my monkeys...who can I talk with about it?  It's a known problem, but nobody seems to care. Why do I care?

Part of my personality testing revealed that I've  got a "J" ... judgemental part of my personality. Is that it...I want justice...Do YOUR job and do it correctly!


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