Ubuntu 9.04 Beta

Apr 14, 2009 13:31

Verdict: wait for the stable release.

Everything in Gnome is slow. Like seriously, painfully slow. Scrolling down in Firefox looks like it does nothing, until a count of 3-Mississippi when it abruptly jumps down the page. The same goes for maximizing or minimizing any program. F-Spot no longer uploads my photos to a sub-directory in my Photos directory by date. Now it dumps everything in my home directory.

It broke my icon environment in Fluxbox. I'd fix this, but I set it up so long ago I don't even remember which program I used. Oh, well. I'm sure it will come back eventually.

Also, it's dark. I'm convinced that with every new Ubuntu release they turn the gamma slider down. Eventually it's going to be the goth Linux distribution. Gentoo might not even share a joint with it, anymore. It will be sad.
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