The day started off on a semi-bad note. After we'd gotten off work I wanted to go to one of the malls around here and get dressed like an emo goth. Alex already had the whole angry goth thing going on, so I wanted to see how well I would be at dressing myself up as a different stereotype. When we were in the Hot Topic I was desperately looking for a long shirt with mesh on it that I thought would be really awesome. Alex made a joke about it that I didn't like and I lost it, I completely left the store and just wondered around for half an hour, pissed off at nothing. When they'd caught back up to me Alex was pissed as fuck and when we got back to Nate's blazer there was a big... Conversation... Dispute... Arguement... Whatever, what we all had and about how I can be childish and blah... It opened my eyes about how stupid I've been lately and that I really need to change my attitude, ever since I joined the Navy I've pretty much been an asshole to everyone because people tolerate it and don't really say much about it. That's just wrong, I can't go around being an asshole to my friends because I have some stupid little thing that upset me, so I'm going to change that, permanently.
Okay, so like yesterday we were trying to find something desperately to do because we were with Alex and he wants to be lively and everything like that. We couldn't find anything to do at all. I mean it was going around 11:30 pm and we still didn't have anything planned ebcause we couldn't find any parties or anything. I sugested Chad, a cool gay guy I met on
OK Cupid that has his own tanning salon and everything like that. The only problem was that he had homework to do and everything, and we had four people on our side that would just stuff ourselves into his little apartment :-p The fourth personw as Saint, one of Alex's friends from his school in Great Lakes and he's really awesome. He shops at Think Geek, he likes the same kinds of games I do, he has an Umbrella Corps. patch on his carrying bag, he's an awesome gamer. He's a really, really cool guy.
So we get to Chad's place and we all start talking, except for Saint, he kinda reverted into his own little bubble and sat there watching everything go by. It was really awesome being in the company of another gay guy, like an actual gay guy. I mean it was really funny because at one point I pulled out my butterfly knife to fix my watch and he looked genuinely scared, it was really funny. Chad also had invited a friend over, which Nate was talking to on the phone with and giving directions. Because it took such a long time for him to explain everything we were all making jokes and everything like that so it was really funny :-p Pretty much the conversations were just random, Chad was doing his comsmetology homework and everyone else was blankly staring at the movie on the TV almost completely asleep. Then Chad's friend Dustin arrived, and it just got all better from there. Oh yea, and pretty much everyone was freaked out by the fact that Alex was completely gothed out with his black chains and everything :-p
My first impression of Dustin was that he was very, very hawt. The first thing I noticed was his hair because it's like a meduim brown with blond frosting. I love it when a guy's hair is frosted because it just makes them look so much more attractive. He also has a really nice face... Since I had my camera there and Chad was having fun taking pictures there's one of Alex sitting between Dustin's legs... Dustin wanted Alex so bad, I mean he was texting him messages on his phone asking him if he could give him a blow job or a massage, I guess Alex does make a really sezzy goth then :-p The conversations ended around 1:30 in the morning because Chad was really, really tired and needed to get some sleep for work so we all had to find a place to crash the night at. Dutin found a Comfort Inn, checked in as a single, and then we all walked up there and everything... Once inside that room everything was just so awesome :-D
It started out that Alex wanted to get into the jaccuzi tub, but the first person in it was Dustin, and Alex was feeling pretty uncomfortable at the offers that he was getting from Dustin, so I jumped in and just kept on watching the TV that was going on, it was Nightmare on Elm Street 2 :-p I didn't want to make the first move, I'm just not like that at all, so after a few minutes he put his arm behind me and when I looked into his eyes and that's when we started to make out. It lasted for a good long time, just caressing each other, kissing, rubbing... Lots of fun stuffies. The strategy that I have is that I really don't want to start anything new, or make the conversion to something else, so I just get them worked up until they can't stand it and want to do something else. I really ost track of time, but after a bit he asked me if I wanted to take it to the bed... Since he'd paid for the hotel room and everything I figured it was fair that we go and do something over there... Oh yea, and during the whole time Nate, Alex, and Saint were in the same room watching TV :-p
We both layed on the bed, relatively tired, rubbing our eyes and everything, but we were still awake enough to do everythign we wanted to do :-p When we'd made out for a few minutes more we both got under the covers, so that everyone else wouldn't have to see anything, and took off our underwear and everything :-p It lasted for two hours straight (well not really... :-p) where we were just all around kissing, licking, caressing, I was biting (what can I say, I love the neck, plus it's really erotic), all of that goodness. Pretty much after we were done we layed in bed, cuddled, and Nate and Alex were saying about how it was uncomfortable and how they almost left and everything... Serves Alex right for having sex with me less than two feet away :-p Dustin kept on asking me if I wanted to do a second round, but I was just realy tired... So I drifected into sleep, and about every two hours I'd wake up and we'd mess around a little bit, then fall asleep again. All in all it was great, and the only problem is that I was realy tired for all of today because Dustin wanted to do more but I was just tired :-p Ta Ta.
P.S. Since I got a lot of pictures on my camera and I maxed out the 36 exposure film tomorrow I might take it to Wal*Mart after I'm done with my laundry so that I can post fun pictures from the party a few weeks ago as well as Alex gothed out and shtuffies...
P.P.S. Even though I was biting on Dustin's neck I didn't leave any hickies at all, however, he left me with like 8 of them :-p They're all over the place as well, I however, think that the one below the waistband of my boxers was the best one :-p